3: Coming Back

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The flowers had wilted long before (Y/N) came to the grave today. She clutched the new bouquet staring at the brown one on the ground. Maybe if she replaced the old one, AJ might come back. Maybe the world will see it as her plea to him walking around once again. She needed that smile, that warmth, and the friendship they once had.

Now that AJ is dead, she’s felt guilty with the way she may have treated him. He had clearly loved her and she couldn’t reciprocate it. She just didn’t see him that way and never did. She could have possibly given him that impression but now she could never know.

Leaning down, she places the new bunch of flowers on the grave

“I know you’d be angry if you knew what was happening today. Nothing I said could change that. Trust me, I tried. You may have noticed coming here has been difficult. It isn’t you. It never was you. I just need this to be over”

Although no one else was in the cemetery, she whispered it, fearing someone would overhear. She felt guilty enough and she didn’t need the judgment of others. (Y/N) kept trying to avoid being there but still found her way back. She’s seen people telling her to move on, that it was 3 years ago, but they’ve never experienced a loss. If they did, it wasn’t surrounded by manipulation and lies. She blamed herself for his death.

If only she didn’t take the night shift, AJ wouldn’t have felt threatened. She expressed that once to Mark and he knew it wouldn’t have made any difference. He had said that he and Nate would have still been in the way. (Y/N) wondered if she had been a bad friend. On top of  not having the same feelings for him as he did her, she didn’t understand why he didn’t confide in her about his want for more hours. She could have helped him. She could have talked him out of trying to scare the others away.

“I am sorry I couldn’t have done more for you. You would have wanted me to get myself together and move on. Matthew will be released today and who knows what will happen with him. I fear that I might still…” she trails off.

She hoped maybe keeping it to herself that it wouldn’t be true. She didn’t know the truth from the lie. After all, that’s how AJ landed in that grave and she was standing on top of it.

Taking the dead flowers with her, she walked away from the grave and towards the parking lot. She tossed the brown stems into a nearby trash and waited for a moment to hear the crunch of it falling apart but there was nothing. Even when dead, they were delicate.

In the short time she had been in therapy, her therapist had noticed the spike of trust issues. (Y/N) noticed it too but it was a result of learning one of the people she cared the most had been a fiction. Part of her wanted that life back. Everyone was happy and alive. Her therapist described it as fake but it was real to her. He had been her friend.
She had considered contacting him once he was released from prison but that was wrong. No one had directly told her no but some could tell she had considered it. (Y/N) was conflicted. Day by day she’s been able to put together the puzzle. Each challenge rewarded her with a piece. Whenever she finishes it, she wants to display it. She wants to show the world that she did it.

Mark had patiently waited in the parking lot for (Y/N) to finish her visit. This had been their system they had created. He didn’t feel it appropriate to be beside her as he barely knew AJ. He only had the two interactions. He had his own way of coping with the events at Freddy’s. Like the justice systems had failed to sentence Matthew to more time, it helped Mark walk free from the charges he had. The murder charge was considered self defense and Fazbear Entertainment had been held partially repsonsible for Mark’s mental state. He had thought he would have gotten some type of punishment for resisting arrest but somehow, nothing. For a while, he suspected someone had a hand in aiding him but in the end, he came to the conclusion that he and his lawyer had made a good argument.

There was some fame that came along with being associated with Freddy’s. For a while, people would come up to him asking questions and requesting interviews. Mark wasn’t proud of what he had done there, even if he did the right thing in the end. He only really talked about his experience in court, (Y/N), and Nate whenever he was around. Over the 3 years, he has opened more about the events but people stopped caring.

It was one of the sadder facts about Freddy’s. They were always watching but learned how to get away with a lot. The parents of missing children or loved ones of those who have died have always tried to get their justice but never could. A company with so much money and a serial killer behind it all. The ones with trauma choose to stay silent. Everyone else likes the franchise too much to stay away. They take that risk.

“How are you feeling?” Mark asks.

“Confused. What about you?”

“Angry. He should have gotten more time. But, there is nothing I can do about that”

He mumbled something about Fazbear Entertainment covering up what Matthew has done. It was a little hypocritical of Mark and he didn’t care. If someone was able to let him walk free, someone could definitely do a big cover up. They have experience with that.

“Did you choose to go back to find evidence?” (Y/N) asked.

She has asked before but it was always followed by silence. After a moment of that familiar silence, he answered.

“No. I just want to find a place I fit in. I don’t think I could go back to a night shift or work closely with kids, hell no. You once told me I didn’t know anything about Freddy’s. There are parts I wish I didn’t know but once I found the nicer aspects, I figured, why not stay?”

He didn’t really want to interact with kids. He didn’t want to have the stress of the night. FazGames Ltd. had been open before the fire but it didn’t really get attention until after. It was supposed to be centered around games but it then expanded to being like any other Freddy’s location. It eventually got renamed to Freddy FazGames Pizzeria. The name was a little weird but somehow, Freddy’s was always able to exist.

He coughs into his hand and for a second, (Y/N) could tell he was scared. She was a little worried as this has been happening for a while but it never reached a level of concern that she needed to ask him about it. He looked in the mirror that was on the sun visor for a second and frowned. He let out a small laugh and smiled.

“I am honestly surprised you returned since it didn’t seem like you really enjoyed it” (Y/N) responded.

Mark chuckled, “Like I said, the night shift isn’t for me. Why did you?”

“I genuinely enjoyed it. It may not be the highest paying job but I liked it. Even if I was…” she paused, “lied to”

She began to wonder what her life is going to become with Matthew’s release. Part of her wanted them to be friends again. Part of her never wanted to speak to him. Part of her wanted to forgive him. Part of her knew that was wrong.

But that didn’t stop her from wanting to follow the thought that has bothered her for the past 3 years.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2022 ⏰

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