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You people know how this works ;)
But if you don't
(Y/n)-your name
(L/n)-last name
(M/n)-moms name
(D/n)-dads name

And guess what?! That's right! Mark! Is back!!!!..........I couldn't help it! I couldn't leave him behind!
-if you don't know whom this mark character is in my last books I've written mark was (y/n)s' little brother in the Naruto books.
Last but not least...

Jewel-the family owl
Picture on the top
"I'm going to Hogwarts!"

What a start to a day having a baby run around the house screaming good morning. What was that? Oh right! Hey, my names (y/n) (l/n) and I'm 11 years old....yup....that's right (l/n) I'm the eldest daughter of (m/n) and (d/n) (l/n). My mum is somehow famous for helping someone and their child. My dad is also famous he is a well-known quidditch player he's the captain of the Bulgarian National Quidditch team. Then there's Mark...he's just a baby.

what my mum has done I can't clearly remember their names, but I'm sure their surnames were Potter. Then again I was a baby and I wasn't told what happened even though I was supposably there?.....Mum said if that never happened I would have been childhood friends with their child but instead I got a horrible scar from that day. On my neck, my hair covers it so people can't see it.

I honestly don't understand what happened, but I just left it as that.

"Okay, Okay good morning now go away" mark being only 2 years old obviously wouldn't understand what the hell I just said and continued to scream 'good morning'.

I sighed getting out of my oh so comfortable bed picking up mark, he laughed patting my face with his chubby baby hands,"mark as much as I love our sibling moments I need ME time" he laughed again pulling my hair"Okay then"

I placed him down on my bed going to my dresser picking out my clothes for the day. I finally found something but couldn't decided. I laid them out looking between them mark crawled over grabbing,"I agree this would look fabulous" after changing, brushing my hair and teeth"alright if you're done taking over my bed let's go downstairs and eat"

Mark got up bouncing his way to me making his last jump into the air catching him,"please don't do that or next time I'll let you fall" he giggles sliding down and out the door.

"Hey! Come back here!" I followed behind pulling him away from the stairs"no." As simple as saying it he nodded grabbing my leg"let's take the elevator" I grabbed mark walking to the elevator.

" As simple as saying it he nodded grabbing my leg"let's take the elevator" I grabbed mark walking to the elevator

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I pressed the button listening to the dings as we neared the bottom a house elf greeted us "Ms

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I pressed the button listening to the dings as we neared the bottom a house elf greeted us "Ms.(Y/n) and Mr.Mark good morning I hope you've slept well and I apologize for the noise earlier-""please Ahuva we've talked about this with mum and dad you don't have to greet us formally just (y/n) and mark is fine only when "important people" that is necessary" "my apologies breakfast is ready, and your mother would like to talk to you in the kitchen""thank you Ahuva"

He took mark waving goodbye to him I raced to the kitchen greeting the other house elves. The door opens revealing my dad with two plates of pancakes"hey there sweetie breakfast is ready go in the kitchen and help out with the rest" i nodded going inside.

"Hey mum!" The music blared out as my mum sings with the kitchen elves happily singing with her"MUM!" She finally notices me giving me a bear hug"GOOD MORNING SWEETIE! HOW ARE YOU FEELING THIS MORNING?!" I walked over to the radio lowering the vol...

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"Hey mum!" The music blared out as my mum sings with the kitchen elves happily singing with her"MUM!" She finally notices me giving me a bear hug"GOOD MORNING SWEETIE! HOW ARE YOU FEELING THIS MORNING?!" I walked over to the radio lowering the volume "I slept great only now I probably lost the ability to hear" she laughs handing me some plates with pancakes "so what are we going to do today mum?" "Well grandma and grandpa are going to visit today and I started having ideas in helping you improve in magic!" "Really?! Oh I can't wait and grandma always has something to talk about that make everyone laughing on the floor" we laughed hearing the door bell,"I GOT IT!!" I placed the plates down at the table rushing to the door.

I opened the wooden door my grandma smiling at me pinching my cheeks,"Hey there (y/n) heard your birthday passed sorry we couldn't come over","it's okay grandma where's grandpa?" I looked around her not finding him"he's already inside talking to your dad still on with the whole quidditch games"

"Been there dad has being showing me how to play it ever since I finally got my own broom" we laughed as we linked arms going to the dinning table. And there he was talking about quidditch with my dad,"Howard the game wasn't that good" grandma exclaimed sitting comfortably in a chair"it was too Mary and I would like to say (d/n) here agrees" he nodded going back to the topic"breakfast is served people lets eat!" Mum walks in with the other elves handing plates to each of us."Mum I think you made to much pancakes""no I didn't I made enough for us and the elves they're family too!" She crossed her arms giving a scowl a high pitch screech arrives from the kitchen to the table. "Finally the mail is here, thank you jewel" dad says she hoots flying over to her nest in the old bookcase fluffing up then resting. "(M/n) mark is ready for the day miss" "oh there's my baby hope he wasn't trouble Ahuva" "no he was an angel"

"So dad mum was telling me that she is going to teach me magic so our "bonding time" is going to have to wait" "that's nice but I don't think (m/n) is going to teach you much" "Hey! I know more than you do"Mum threatens dad holding a spoon at him. Dad chuckles giving her a kiss on the cheek"ew dad no not at the table" "hahaha sorry it's just my little baby just got accepted into Hogwarts"


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