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"Gotta write a letter to mum and dad"
Game on

'Uuugghh!!!!! School!!!' After days of practicing the first game of the year starts this afternoon. Smoky has practiced as well his letter sending has improved a lot now he just needs enough strength to carry a package though that's highly unneeded, but you'll never know,"remember if any owl comes up to you and you don't know who they are you either come back or if you're already near our home you quickly fly there, okay?" Smoky hoots biting the letter waiting for the window to open,"where's my goodbye hug?"

Smoky flutters onto my shoulder fluffing up on my neck as a hug,"okay see yea later" his small figure flies off with the letter into the bright blue sky.

Classes were well almost too easy in my opinion. Others would say differently, I actually decided to sit on the Slytherin table for once but got quickly annoyed."mind if I join you guys?" They nod their heads Hermione made room for me to sit in,"thought you were sitting at your houses table?" Ron said picking his food same as Harry,"I was but they got annoying so here I am" an owl screech swooped into the castle carrying a large object.

A second screech followed sounding rather familiar,"bit early for mail isn't it?" Hermione said the familiar screech got closer it was Jewel with Smoky fluttering behind her with an envelope in his beak.

Both owls dropped the objects, while Smoky landed on my head letting the letter slip onto the table."thank you!" Jewel hoots biting my finger like last time flying out of sight,"what do you think it is?" Ron sat on the edge of his seat wanting to know,"let's find out"

Hermione helped opening mine Ron doing the same for Harry. Finally opening the packaging it reveals two broomsticks, the Nimbus 2000. The only difference was that the one I got was from my dad, how do I know this? It has his and mums anniversary date the day they finally hit it off after dad continuously flirted his ass off just to get her attention.

"The Nimbus 2000!!" Ron rambles about the brooms gawking at it."yea but mine isn't as new as Harry's""what do you mean?" Hermione asks turning her body to face me,"well this is my dads broom you see there...that's my parents anniversary date" I point the back end of the broom (m/d/y) carved on it,"guess he's getting a new broom himself" I mumbled getting up to take it back to the dorm,"meet you guys later!" "(Y/n) wait we have to tell you something" I sat back down listening to what they had to say to me. Which I found utterly ridiculous but the chances of it being true are only 50/50. "So you're telling me you think Professor Snape is trying to still this...object and think that he had already tried to take it during the troll dilemma" they nod rapidly seeing Professor Snape walked over to us seeing the brooms.

"Good luck today, Potter. You've proven yourself against a troll, a game of Quidditch should be easy work even if it is against Slytherin" Snape looked down he looked at all of us his eyes landing on mine,"And good luck to you too (L/n) try not to fall like your father on his first game" I nod watching him limp away,"hm...I suppose your proof is there him limping around so I guess you're right"


I couldn't help but start hyperventilating,"scared?" I stood next to Flint in the front of everyone. I felt a warm hand rub my head,"don't worry you'll be fine" I hummed getting on my broom 'fall just like dad? How did he fall?'

We were finally called on the  field I flew above everyone across from Harry. Madam Hooch walked under all of us to the box,"I want a clean match...from all of you" the bludgers and the Snitch was released. I watched the others spread around as the quaffle was tossed, I flew up higher hopefully finding the Snitch first before Harry. "10 points to Gryffindor!" Jordan shouts in excitement, I flew somewhat near Harry just enough for him to hear me,"hey Harry" he waved looking back at the game. Wood blocked Flints attempt to throw the quaffle in the hoop hitting it to one of the Chasers," yourself a fine keeper Harry" he nods softly looking around a bludger shot towards us,"duck!" I pushed Harry's head down doing the same as the bludger flew away. The twins followed behind it apologizing about it,"You alright there Harry?!" Wood shouts not realizing his mistake a bludger hit his broom knocking him off falling into the sand at the bottom.

It was Flint who purposely clobbered the bludger to him the peoples' boos were so loud even at the height I was at, I could clearly hear it as if I was at the bottom,"What a bastard..."

In the corner of my eye a gold reflection shined. 'The Snitch!' I followed the Snitch Harry zoomed up next to me. Then the strangest thing happened the broom jerked side to side violently forcing me of it."Ah geez!" Harry's broom was acting up as well,"now I know why dad gave me this!" One of the Chasers tried helping me off but the broom went higher before they could even touch me.

Falling off isn't a very good option, what if they don't catch me in time? I linked my legs around the broom sitting back on it. I held tightly as it continued to jerk,"you dumb broom, fly right!" The broom stills floating,"huh guess it just needed to be insulted" the Snitch zipped across my face quickly following it. Harry crashed next to me,"sorry!","it's cool!" At the same time we dived for the Snitch the adrenaline pumped in my veins the feeling I haven't felt before for such a long time. Almost hitting the ground we stood up reaching for the Snitch, I leaped forward taking Harry with me. We rolled on the grass I ended up laying down on his chest our noses touching a pink hue grows on our faces a weird feeling suddenly erupted over me. I quickly got off sitting next to him.

There was something stuck in me. It pops out of my mouth it was the Snitch slightly covered in saliva but it was in my hands! The high pitched whistle signaled the Snitch was caught,"Slytherin wins!" Madam Hooch shouts to the crowd. "I did it!" I tackled Harry smiling and laughing,"congratulations you did well" "you too"

I helped Harry up Madam Hooch asked for the Snitch as she was carrying the quaffle,"here you go" she congratulates me then went back to the box. The changing room was filled with shouting of happiness,"THERE SHE IS!!" The girls pulled me in a group hug some patted my back."(L/n) the captain wants to talk to you" I nod quickly changing into my uniform. I sat on the bench waiting Flint called me as I got up walking over to him,"you played well, I had doubts but you pulled through" I narrowed my eyes,"you didn't, you hurt Wood"

"He was getting in the way so it was reasonably to take him out" "but that's not how you're supposed to play Quidditch that's playing dirty Flint, Wood wouldn't have done that to you" he sighed softly petting my head "why are you making it such a big deal, it's not like I haven't hurt him before" "just stop hurting him please!" "Fine I'll stop hurting Wood" he grumbles "Thanks" as much as I didn't want to nor why I did it but I gave Flint a hug thanking him,"it's a wonder how you got into Slytherin"

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