getting asking out

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Today I am going to ask out Hannah I have liked her for so long and her and kyler broke up Know kyler want Hannah back but Hannah won't even talk to him me and the wyd boys went to logans we got there and Hannah answered the door and she said hi and so did I I asked were the twins were she is always hold one of theme she said they are sleep I said still no I just got theme to go to sleep she asked Logan if he could watch theme why me and her get Starbucks he said no so I got the stroller this is what it look's like

Today I am going to ask out Hannah I have liked her for so long and her and kyler broke up Know kyler want Hannah back but Hannah won't even talk to him me and the wyd boys went to logans we got there and Hannah answered the door and she said hi a...

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I got dressed into this

And the twins are wearing this

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And the twins are wearing this

And the twins are wearing this

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James outfit

Jaime s outfit I put theme in there stroller and we walked to Starbucks I got the strawberry drink with extra straberrys Zack got the same thang o got Mia and dad a vanilla ice cofie and the wdw a ice cofie we walked back and handed out cofie Jaim...

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Jaime s outfit I put theme in there stroller and we walked to Starbucks I got the strawberry drink with extra straberrys Zack got the same thang o got Mia and dad a vanilla ice cofie and the wdw a ice cofie we walked back and handed out cofie Jaime started crying so Zack picked her up we tried to feed her and chang her and burb her but she started coughing and troghing up so I ran to the bathroom and put on hot hot water and the bathroom started to fag up Zack brung her in and we sat on there for about 5 mins then Zack leaned In and kidded me I pulled away and said i just fucking had a baby and we are not dating Jaime then stopsd  coughing and troghing up i said thank the Lord she fucking stopted  Zack said why are you cusing infront of her
Zack are you her dad no I am her mom I can do what ever the fuck i want to do Hannah  said I'm sorry no I'm not her dad or her step dad but I want to be her step dad Zack said

Wait what Hannah started to cry

Ya I want to date you and Mairy you Hannah paul I love you Zack said

You do well I love you too Zack Herron Hannah said

You do Zack said

Yes I do Hannah said

Well will you go out with me Hannah Maier paul Zack said

Yes yes I will Hannah said

Thank you I love you

We went to the living room and said she is all done then Zack said so am i
Thay all looked at us then Zack kissed me they were all ohhhhh you too ate dating
Me a Zack said at the same time yaaaaaaaa
Then me and ZAck went to bed and he helped with the twins

adopted by Logan paul Where stories live. Discover now