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The next day I woke up In the hospital with tubes inside of me. I sighed and looked around. Nobody was here. I had stitches all over my face, arms, and legs where my dad cut me.
A few minutes felt like hours. I looked up at the ceiling.  Now everything hurt. I wish my mum was here. I wish I could stay with her. She makes me feel safe. A few minutes later a nurse walked in.
"Ah Daniel! Your awake! How do you feel?" She Said.
"I-I'm O-Okay.. where's my Dad?" I lied.
"In jail. You can live in your house by yourself because you older then 18." She Said.
"O-Okay.. when can I leave?" I asked.
"You can leave now! Your legs might hurt a bit though." She said.
"O-Okay.. Thank you." I Said getting up. I limped out of the hospital. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and called Phil while I was walking home.
"Hey Dan, what's up?" He asked.
"Uh hi Phil.. I just got out of the hospital" I told him.
"My dad cut me a lot with a pocket knife and I lost a lot blood so I had to go to the hospital.. my dads in jail."
"Oh my god! Are you okay?? At least you don't have to worry about him anymore"
"Yeah.." I arrived at my house. I tried to open the door. It was locked. My dad probably had the keys.
"CRAPPPPP!" I Said, frustrated.
"Dan what's wrong?"
"The door is locked! I can't get in!"
"Well um..if you want.. you can come to my place? You have my adress you just have to catch a train."
"Sounds great."

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