Lai Guanlin :: Fuckboi

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•I don't know what it is about Guanlin but he just really strikes me as the jock type of fuckboi

•Like the one that has girls piled up just to watch him practice and practically waiting in line to wipe off his sweat

•He could careless for relationships and really just wants the heated makeout sessions

•Rumor has it he's already made out with the whole cheerleading team and girl dance team

•He doesn't even bother on building up the girls hope because it's quote on quote too much work

•Also because he's too busy with basketball practice and studies to even care

•But that all changed when during a game he fell on his ankle weirdly and had sprained it

•He was brought to the school nurse to by Seonho aw the little chick caring for his hyung

•You were part of student council and part of it was to run the nurse's office because half of the time they were literally never fricken there like actually where were they or is that just my school...

•Anyways Senho came in running holding Guanlin like he was a princess and Guanlin was letting out a string of profanities because the running was not helping out his ankle at all

•When he barges into the room you're literally scared for your life but quickly understand the situation and motion for him to place Guanlin on the empty bed

•Senho literally drops Guanlin's ass in that bed his arms are hurting so much from carrying him poor chick

•Guanlin swears once more but before he could actually directed anything at Seonho, he books it out yelling goodbye to you

•However his whole demeanor changes when he notices you

•Like his eyes are practically burning into your soul as he watches your every movement

•You couldn't help but scoff because you knew what type of person Guanlin was and you really didn't wanna help him but you had no choice

•"What's wrong with you?"

•"I sprained my ankle sweetheart."

•You smile at him sweetly with a hit on sarcasm as you take his foot into your hand and move it slightly

•"Does that hurt?"

•"Dang, sweetheart what you think." Although he's face obviously still showed pain he kept that stupid little smirk on his face and you literally wanted to wipe it off his almost perfect looking face

•So you let go of his foot abruptly and a whole new string of profanities leaves his lips and he's low key glaring at you as you get the things you need

•But at the same time he's checking you out because not once has he seen you around the school and he totally finds you hot

•Once you elevate his leg and place ice on his ankle he decided to make some bs excuse to get you closer to him

•"Darling I don't think I'm feeling too well."

•"Well ain't that a shame."

•The sarcasm in your face was practically music to his ears as he watched you take the thermometer out

•His plan was playing out perfectly as he watched you lean in and touch his forehead while handing him the thermometer

•Instead of taking the thermometer he kind of pulls your wrist so that your fall over him

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