Yoon Jisung :: Yoon Jisung

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•Honesty how can this caring mother be a fuckboi...

•But is the type of fuckboi that makes girls think they're the only one and that he only loves them but he doesn't genuinely

•Like Jisung is naturally a really nice, caring and supportive person but only means it when you're his friend

•Has once dated 3 girls at the exact same time

•Girl honestly only want to get with him because he's literally one of the best boyfriend's ever, rumored by girls that dated him for a week.

•Like he's literally so squishy when he's dating them and nicely breaks up with to avoid any salty ex's

•So literally the next day after one of his recent breaks up he's looking for his next girl when his eyes land upon you

•You looked like his typical type so only naturally he's drawn towards you

• When he introduced himself to you he was his natural friendly self with his adorable smile

•He'd be a little surprised at your lack of shyness because literally every girl always melts

•But he'd try again in try to get a reactions from you

•"So what class do you have now? Mind if I walk with you?"

•"Actually my class is right here but nice try." He'd be a little shook with how easily you'd brushed him off and rejected him

•However that wasn't the end of him trying actually he'd even take the time to observe you because he wasn't about to let his heartbreak slip through his fingers

•He'd notice you're mostly quiet and pretty serious despite your looks and he'd make it his literal mission to crack your serious facade

•So one day during science class he sat next to you and honestly you even forgot about that Jisung incident and that he even existed Rip lmfao

•That was till he spoke to you...

•"Hey why don't you a smile a lot, you look nice when you smile." he said that expecting you to feel at the least flustered by his sudden compliment considering not a lot of the girl's he messed around with were confident with their smiles.

•But he got a completely different reaction.

•"Did I ask?"

•"Aish come on you don't have to be so harsh."

•"I'm not being harsh I'm just being honest."

•Jisung didn't quite understand why you didn't like him but you unknowingly could see right though his fuckboi antics and was not about to be played like nuh uh honey

•But little did you know Jisung has two ways in handling girls, his cute and almost utterly perfect boyfriend way and the I'm going to make it seem like I don't like you and attempt to make you fall for me

•He uses the first one more cause obviously the second one fails him 90% of the time

•Literally the next day, as if the Gods wanted this relationship to happen you're paired up with Jisung for a world history project and you're literally hating the world.

•You were expecting having to do all the work, or have Jisung try to swoon you with his greasy pick up lines or failed attempts at flirting

•But in all honesty you were surprised at how hands on he was during the project

•During lunch he sat next to you and discussed how the project could be split up amongst you two, asked about the topic and even wrote notes but not once did he try to flirt with you

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