Amourshipping text

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Ash: who's this


Ash: nice to see you but how did you got my phone number

Serena: oh may gave it to me since im still in hoenn

Ash: oh ok i thought you were in kalos already

Serena: Why

Ash: cause im going to kalos tomorrow

Serena: really

Ash: yep i get a break from school

Serena:(○○) wth really

Ash: yep i still can belive it i mean i dont need school

Serena: i miss you so much

Ash: i miss all of you

Serena: ill see you tomorrow then

Ash: but you said you were in hoenn

Serena: i can get a ticket for today you know

Ash:in that case ok bye

Serena: ok love you

Ash:what was that

Serena: nothing bye

Ash: ok bye

Haha that was wierd for some reason im getting a little distant from amourshipping but i still like it


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