Chapter Seven

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Eden stood stiff in her willowy posture, her mind swarming with unshed tears and depthless rage. The beast that was her red headed male came down upon the nomad, the true monster clawing its way out for his self proclaimed female, nothing would come between them.

But she knew how this would end. Heartbroken and covered in blood would be how she lay, Eden would never allow that for her knowledge of mates came form the many years of observing the fickle bond. No true male would allow another to best them for what was rightfully theirs. The monsters, the abomination that was the beasts would fight, fight, fight until theirs was claimed and stowed away from prying eyes.

The bellow of a beast's call for battle rattled through the nomad's body as he warded off the ginger with ease. Eden's body refused to move from her place on the porch, but that didn't stop her mind from whirling those gears into the full works. Her gut twisted painfully as Skall walloped the larger male. He wasn't thinking, she knew this with a certainty, or else he would've been on the defense.

A whimper slid from her raw throat as the nomad stopped Skall in his tracks by catching the male by his throat, along with his swinging fists. No one dared to interfere, this was their right as a hot blood male born from monstrosity and malice.

Eden would not, could not stop the pair. She suffered along side of her unofficial male, flinched at every blow. And as blood painted the ground, so did her heart, it shattered into millions of pieces.

The nomad was getting tired of playing games, this she could tell. Judah was a male in his prime, knew how to fight and knew how dominate easily for he was of alpha descent. She knew he was only humoring the male, to not completely destroy Skall's pride, his dignity.

But that changed when Skall slipped into multicolored creature. Baring long incisors and hair raising along the ridge of his spine, he tore into the nomad with a renowned viciousness. The beast would not allow his to be taken from him, but Eden wasn't his to rightfully claim.

As Judah's thigh was torn into, his own beast came out to play, ignoring the seemingly fickle pain she knew he had to be going through. Muscles bunched up tautly as arms encircled the massive neck of the shifted monster, raising him, tearing him from his own bloodied body and threw him. A beast that neared five hundred pounds flew into the large oak that she once napped under.

Eden wasn't see if the sickening crack she heard was the tree or Skall. Nonetheless, it was enough to get her moving again. She would not allow him to perish under the dominance that was her self proclaimed mate. Eden owed Skall too much to just stand by and watch the life he drained from his beautiful amber eyes.

Trailing far behind the prowling vagabond, Eden warily ventured closer to the squabbling males, no one daring to stop her. Not even Lochlan, for he watched on in steely anguish, his pure kin would ripped from his safe hold and there was nothing could do about it. But Eden had accepted her fate, though it didn't mean she'd stomach it with ease.

Onyx eyes took in the crumpled, nearly faint form of the beast that she could've grown to love unconditionally. Then she looked at the looming darkness that seemed to be Judah. His shoulder length hair and scruffy beard was coated in redness, bros shoulders flexed with unspoken strength. His arms swung down to haul the fur shedding beast up, for the human was emerging once more.

"I am not a merciful man," Judah snarled as mhe slammed Skall's broken body into the ground, dust and rock flying up around them.

Eden flinched as the natural debris cut across her upper torso and face yet she crept closer, standing only ten yards from them.

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