chapter 8

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Stacy POV

I woke up not know where I was in till I felt arms around me and my stomach flip flopping, I got up and saw a bathroom connected to his room I then felt something come up and I ran to the bathroom and puked in the toilet which made Matt wake up. I kept puking in the toilet in till he came in the room with eyes wide open.

Matt- ohhh no, no, no. Im so sorry Stacy!!

Matt ran down to my side and pulled my hair back and called for Chris.



Chris came running in here. Once he looked at me puking he got a angry look on his face.

Chris- what the hell matt, didn't you use a condom!?!??!

Matt- I got carried away and stuff, I forgot!!!

Chris- dear lord Matt, you know better.

Matt- I know I do.

Chris went out of the room and went down stairs to make a few phone calls. I finished puking and tried to get up but failed and felled on the floor but before I felled I feel my self floating in the air and realized I'm being carried, matt took me to his bed and placed me on the bed.

Matt- you stay and lay down, I'm going to make you breakfast and bring it to you, you just relax.

Stacy- okay...

I watch him leave and I then lay down and close my eyes before I did Chris came in the room. I then sit up a bit.

Chris- look I'm sorry that he got you possibly pregnant, I got one of my friends getting a pregnancy test. I'm sorry you have to go through this.

I looked at him for a second

Stacy- if I am, what will happened?

Chris- I'm not really sure, I'm not really sure at all in till we know the answer then. But in till then get some rest for your leg and possibly a baby.

Stacy- I will, thank you.

Chris- uh... No problem.

Chris then left the room and once he did Matt came in will a plate of food and a glass of water.

Matt- here, its not much but it will do. We still have to go grocery shopping.

Matt gave me the plate of food that had eggs, and toast. He put the water on the stand next to he bed. He then walk to the bathroom and which then hear the doorbell ring in the house.

Matt was turning on the water in the bathtub. I then hurried eating and drank the water. He then came back and saw that I was done so he pick up the plate and put to the side and then pick me up and carried me to the bathroom. I never realized in till now where he had strong muscles, and sexy abs. He then puts me in the bathtub, and then washed my body for me in silent.

Stacy- how old are you?

Matt- 18

Stacy- how long did you know Chris?

Matt- 12 years

Stacy- cool,

Matt- my parents got in to a fight when i was 6, I couldn't take it anymore so I ran away, I got lost in till Chris found me, and ever since then I never saw my family. Chris was my family, he treated me like if I was his son.

Stacy- oh, why do you call him "sir"?

Matt- to respect him. Wouldn't you?

Stacy- yeah I guess?.

Matt- if you are pregnant, will you marry me?

Long awkward pause and silent.

Stacy- yes.

Matt then leaned over and kissed me on the lips. Then Chris came in the room and put a box on the bathroom sink and walked out with out saying a word. Matt got up and grabbed the box and it was the pregnancy test. He then finished cleaning me and then took me out and dried me. He help me to the toilet to take it, he walked out to give me privacy.

I took the pregnancy test and put in the sink. Matt then came in and picked me up and carried me to the bed and gaved me some clothes to wear.

After a few minutes I was dressed and the pregnancy test was ready to see if I was or wasn't. Matt went to the bathroom to go get it when he came  back he gave me the pregnancy test and then went down stairs.

Its was........

Hello people plot twist right?, I dont know but any way stay and see what the result is.

Word count 777

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