Wish You Were Here

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I knew it. I just knew it. Not killing Satan Jr. did anything to affect the timeline. And according to Gideon, Savage will still take over the world no matter where we drop off the little brat.

"But Rip said this kid's like a baby Hitler," Jax pointed out.

"Yes, I also said that time wants to happen, and such a world-changing event like Savage's rise to power can't be stopped merely by kidnapping his young pawn," Rip said.

I raised my hand up. "Does that mean we get to kill him? We can do it now." Most of the team gave me a disapproving look. "What? May I remind you that this kid kills billions of people in the future. He's fast asleep right now, it'll be quick and painless."

"We're not killing him," Sara scolded.

"This coming from an assassin," I mumbled. She heard though because she glared at me.

Stein sighed before looking at Rip. "Say that you do stop Savage and save the lives of your family. Will you be able to look your own son in the eye knowing what you did so he could live?" I rolled my eyes. Ok, Scott.

"When the alternative is that I shall never see him again," He answered.

"I got a better idea," Jax started. "Instead of us arguing about whether we should kill him, or where and when to dump him off, why don't we just talk to him?"

Rip was getting annoyed. "Savage has spent years corrupting his mind."

"It's not too late for Per Degaton to change," Sara said.

"Says who?"

"Says someone with two tours with the League of Assassins and a case of bloodlust under her belt."

"Except you want to know the difference between you and this kid, Sara?" I asked. "You actually changed. You can control your bloodlust. This kid, we know where his life is going to play out." I looked at the group. "So, if you guys don't want to kill this kid, I will."


I kept staring at the wall of my room thinking. If we don't kill this kid, then he kills everyone. It would make sense to end his life. It doesn't matter if Savage still rises to power, at least one problem will be solved.

I got up from my bed and made it towards the med-bay. I stopped at the doorway when I see Per Degaton passed out on one of the beds. I stalked towards him while I flicked my claws out. Just one swipe and he'll be gone. I glared down at the young boy as I let out a predatory growl. My hand rose before I took a swing, but another hand caught my wrist before the claws could draw blood.

"What are you doing?" I hear Derek.

I didn't look at him. "Doing what needs to be done."

He raised his eyebrow at me. "Do you think you could really kill a kid?"

I glared at him. "I was until you stopped me."

"Because I know you'll feel the guilt after you kill him." He pushed my arm away. "You're turning into Peter -"

"Don't you compare me to that lunatic." I am nothing like Peter. I don't kill for power.

Derek gestured towards the kid. "Look what you're doing. You were about to kill this kid..."

"To save others," I cut him off. He crossed his arms as he stared me down. "Don't look at me with those little judgey eyes of yours. You would have done the same thing with Jackson six months ago."

"And now look at him. He's safe in Paris. He knows how to control his shift because Scott and his friends kept him alive. You'll no better than Peter if you do this."

I clenched my fist. "Why am I no better? I'm trying to stop the virus from spreading."

Derek had enough and banged his hand on the table. "Because you're not like this! I know you, Morgan. You're smarter than this." I rolled my eyes as I walked away from him and sat down on one of the chairs. Derek walked over and knelt down in front of me. "What's wrong?"

I shrugged. "Nothing's wrong. I'm just annoyed that you're stopping me from killing someone," I lied.

"Morgan, I'm a figment of your imagination. I know something's wrong. Now spill." I just looked at him while he gave me a curious gaze. "Is it Snart?"

"What makes you think it's about that idiot?" I asked.

Derek shrugged. "I don't know, why don't you tell me?"

I can't deal with this. "There's nothing to tell because there's nothing going on between me and the pompous jackass."

"I never said there was, the fact that you mentioned it means something's going on." Derek got back up and leaned against the table. "Now tell me what happened. You two have been at each others throats even more so since you broke him from his chains."

I didn't look at him. "It's complicated."

"Good, I've got all day."

I finally looked at him and sighed. Where do I start? "We kissed." Ok, there's one way. "At first it was just to shut him up in case Mick came back. But I just couldn't help but think about kissing him again." I scoffed at my confession. "Pathetic, I know. It's liked we're in high school again."

Derek sat next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "It's not pathetic. You work with this guy for a while now, it's normal to develop some kind of feelings for him. Remember how my relationship with Paige started?"

I chuckled. "How could I? She hated you since that day in the hall."

"And look how it turned out."

My smile slowly faded away. Paige's death really took a toll on him. That's because Derek wanted to turn her and asked Ennis. I don't know if he recognizes him or if he's pretending he doesn't, but I don't forget. That's why Derek's wolf eyes remained blue for so many years. Because he had to kill Paige to end her pain.

I sighed. "For a while. Our family's curse when it comes to love. You with Paige, Kate, and Jennifer."

"You and Roderick," Derek added.

"Peter and all his girls. But we knew how bad they were gonna turn out," I joked. Derek and I laughed. I sighed happily as I placed my head on his shoulder. "I wish you were here. At least a sigh that you're alive."

"I can help with that," Gideon's voice popped up. I heard a few beeps from the monitor. "Since your departure in Beacon Hills, it seems that Derek Hale is alive."

"What?" I said happily.

"One Scott McCall has been able to save him from Miss Jennifer Blake."

Thank, god. "That's great," I breathed.

At least one thing has changed. I looked at Per Deaton's sleeping body one last time before leaving the room. If Derek's future can change, maybe this kid's can change too.


A/N: Not gonna lie, I almost typed Hill instead or Hale.

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