Animal Control Sucks

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*Authors note* Using pseudo names for everyone.


After coming home from college the next day, I'm eager to see if anyone has commented about the cat I had posted about online. I'm already thinking of names to call her, but I know it's wrong to become attached so soon, when there might be an owner out there waiting for their cat to come back home.

Instead of immediately checking the website, I decide to go spend time with the new cat. We had put her in my parent's bathroom for the night, since my other two cats are territorial. It is no surprise to me that she knew how to use the litter box. She is so confident around humans, it seems impossible to think of her being a stray.

At exactly 2:28 pm, I receive a text from an acquaintance of mine. She and I recently exchanged numbers after we had seen each other in the halls of my college campus. Her family is close with my neighbor's family, so I know them pretty decently. Their house also isn't too far down the street from mine; however it still confused me, since I never really talk with them. The text I received read:

Tori: "Hey, this is Tori from down the street. Is there any possibility that female cat you found had kittens?"

Almost instantly I reply, but I'm really sure what to think. This cat can't be a mother, she is barely supporting herself with how skinny she is.

Me: "Did you find some?"

Tori: "Yes, stuck in a tree by the church. My mom actually found that cat I believe yesterday but we couldn't catch her. We're trying to get all of them safe. Please call my mom I'll text you the number."

So I dial the number that Tori had given me, and when her mother answers I awkwardly begin to speak, unsure really how to come across, since I was certain her mother hated me for whatever reason.

"Hey this is Liana, uh, Tori texted and told me you had seen this cat down the street?"

"Yes! Yesterday morning at the time I walk my dog, she walked right up to my dog and I. She was very friendly, but she did swat at my hand. I didn't have a crate with me, so I decided I would go and get her this morning, but she was gone when I had returned. Instead I looked up into the tree and saw a head pop out, at first I had thought it was her, so I began trying to coax her down, but then I saw a second head pop up next to it. There were two little kittens up in the tree. So, later today, I was thinking we could try to go and get them, would you like to come help us?"

"Yea sure, I would like that a lot. Just.. Uh, let me know when?"

"Definitely, I'll see you then, bye."

I can't shake the anticipation of rescuing the two little kittens. Instead of waiting, I decide to go try and rescue them myself. I'm sure the tree isn't that hard to climb, and the kittens are bound to be near the base of the tree.

Recalling from the phone call, Tori's mom mentioned the kittens were located at a christian preschool behind the playground in one of the large oak trees, so I mentally note where they would be and begin my trek, completely unprepared. Walking to the preschool only takes me about three minutes, but once I arrive, I realize that there are three large oak trees. I'm not entirely sure which tree she said it was, and I can't remember if she specified exactly which tree.

The first tree is in front of the playground, so I rule that one out, but the other two are fairly close together and are on the other side of the playground. I walk between the two trees and stare straight up, nothing but branches, I think silently. I begin pacing for a good five minutes, trying to see anything that could indicate where they are. I step towards the base of the tree closest to the playground, looking at the larger branches but still, my eyesight fails me.

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