Chapter 17: Icina

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"LAUREL!" they cried at the same time. Finian reached out for her, but he only grasped air and dust.

She fell until they could no longer see her.

Judd wept, but Lidia stood, her eyes shining with tears.

"My daughter sacrificed herself to save another," Lidia said proudly through her tears. "She is a hero."

"She's gone," Finian said disbelievingly. "She's gone." His voice and eyes were hollow. Realization dawned on Amasya. He loved her.

"Why didn't you tell me Finian loved Laurel?" Amasya asked Batair.

For once, Batair was not smiling or teasing. "They were going to get married..."

The group was quiet as they listened to Finian's broken sobs.

Judd's shoulders trembled as he cried silently. Lidia sat there in shock.

Amasya's attention snapped back to the shivering hatchling. She cautiously approached her, but the dragonet's eyes widened in fear.

"I won't hurt you," Amasya said softly. "I promise." The hatchling remained frozen.

"That's Meda," Batair said quietly. "She's an orphan. Laurel took special care of her, and Meda was especially attached to her."

"What will you do with her?" Amasya asked.

"I'll find someone to care for her," Batair said, a tear slipping down his cheek. "What happened to us? How did everything get so messed up?"

"Excuse me," said a voice. They all turned to see four Icinian soldiers. Everett snarled low in his throat.

"We have permission to take one of you into custody," he said. "Chief's orders."

Amasya sighed. "Yes, yes I know. Take me if you must. It's honestly getting old, guys."

The Icinian looked confused. "What? Who are you?" His eyes widened at her strange appearance, but he shook his shock off.

"We are looking for that one," he pointed to Cass who was staring at the ground.

"What?" Edin asked dumbfounded as the guard wrapped chains around her. She offered no resistance. "Why would you need to take Cass?"

Darrock and Sabra settled into defensive positions, ready to take out the guards, but Cass shook her head. "No. Don't," she said. "I was expecting something like this." They started to lead her away.

"Wait," Amasya said. "Can we come with her? I've never seen Icina before." The gears in her mind were turning. This was their opportunity to get to Icina.

The guard wrinkled his brow. "You'd voluntarily come to Icina?" he asked.

"You don't have to do this, Amasya," Cass said, playing along. Her deep blue eyes stared into Amasya's. A surge of envy welled up inside at Cass's beauty. Even chained, she managed to look flawless.

"Yes I do. We're a family." She looked at Everett. "Someone taught me that."

The guard shrugged. "Okay. But Chief ain't gonna like this."


"I don't know what to do Batair," she said later. "Keslin is on the brink of war, Rinwell was destroyed by wildfire, and Thabor is off the grid. Literally." She sighed. "Maybe I'm one of those dragons. You know, everything she touches turns to disaster no matter how hard she tries."

"Nah," Batair said lifting up one side of his mouth in a lopsided smile. "You're just Trouble. But don't worry. I'll always be there waiting to get you out of trouble with pawcuffs and plenty of tranquilizers."

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