Ch. 4

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It's been two weeks and Stiles has still been getting sick here and there. Food poisoning would have been over now so we threw that theory out the window. He seemed to be okay with the not knowing, like being sick wasn't bothering him. Scott's mom was having a small barbeque at her house tonight for us all so we were packed into the McCall house. Today wasn't a bad day for Stiles he seemed to be getting better. I tried to get him to stay home but he gave me a very scary looking glare. I could admit I had been a little more clingy than usual , but that was only because my mate was sick and nothing I was doing seemed to be working.

There was a low hum of music coming from a small stereo in the corner of the house. I was talking with Isaac and Erica in the dinning room when I lost sight of Stiles. I casually tried to look around and find him.

"He's fine. He's in the kitchen" Isaac said pulling me back to life.

"I need something to drink anyways, I'll go check on him" Erica said rolling her eyes and leaving the conversation. I gave her a thank you nod as she walked away. She knew I had been up under him a lot so it was better she checked on him rather than me. I didn't want him to feel smothered.

"I can't wait until Scott and I get there" Isaac admitted.

"What?" I asked turning from Erica back to him.

"I never thought I'd see you like this. What you two have is uncanny. I mean the way you can read his mind, the way you look at eachother, how he calms you down" I never realized any of them paid that close attention to us. I mean they made jokes but I didn't really think they thought about us that seriously "I was just saying I know I'll have that with Scott someday, but seeing it between you two makes me pray it'll come faster"

"It will, and it'll be the best feeling in the world" I smiled at this because it was true, Stiles was the love of my life. All this talk made me realize it was time to seal the deal. I had always seen a future with Stiles, and If I planned on holding onto him forever I needed it to be a sure thing. I smiled turning away from Isaac and towards the man in the kitchen who I was planning on spending the rest of my life with. When I looked back at my young beta he was smiling a big smile but also had a confused look on his face. He spoke with a hint of eagerness and anticipation in his voice.

"What is it?"

"I think I'm going to propose to Stiles"


Erica and Lydia Had came and met me in the kitchen. I was standing at the counter picking food off my plate. There was a little piece of every food on it and I was ready to finish it all.

"How you doing?" Erica asked asked

"I know Derek sent you in here" I smiled knowing my boyfriend wasn't being subtle.

"Yes he did" She nodded"-but I really was worried. I was surprised Derek let you out with you being sick and all"

"Yeah what happened?" Lydia asked emerging from where she stood with her head lodged in the refrigerator.

"I don't know. I've just been really sleepy lately, throwing up and eating everything. I had a weird craving for peanut butter and pickles the other day"

Lydia scrunched up her nose in discuss as Erica laughed. It surprisingly was not that bad a combination.

"I also feel really fat, and I know that's weird coming from me. But honestly I've been eating everything and I'm about 82% sure I've gained like 6 pounds"

This time both girls laughed and and Erica placed one of her beautifully manicured hands on her my shoulder. It took her only a few seconds to stop laughing and compose herself before she spoke again. She smiled whipping away an imaginary tear as she reached over and took a chip off of my plate "It could be a number of things. Who knows Stilinski, maybe you're pregnant with Derek's pups"

Lydia agreed and smiled "If it turns out you are pregnant let me know first, I would like to sign up to be godmother" both girls laughed at the joke as they waltzed back to the living room with the rest of the pack.

At first I thought it was funny. Me, a boy, pregnant! It made me laugh. I knew they had been joking but it stayed in my mind until I did something about it. A week later that joke was still ringing in my head. I took a detour on the way home from school, and stopped at a pharmacy buying three different brands of pregnancy tests. The cashier took my money, giving me back my change along with a slow steady look. I brushed it off, and left in a hurry to get back to my house. When I got home I hadn't bothered to stop and say my hello's. I ran right up the stairs to my bedroom and into the bathroom slamming the door behind me. My hands shook vigorously as I opened each package and proceeded to follow the instructions. Each test took about five minutes to show the results. I did the deed then sat on the toilet starting the timer as I bit my nails and my knee bounced up and down with no control. This can't be real it can't be happening I told myself. But then again 5 years ago I didn't think were wolves existed and now I've fought more supernatural creatures then I could count. Anything was possible now... right? I was pulled from my thoughts just as the alarm on my phone went off. I pressed the red button silencing the noise in the bathroom. The only sound was my deep exhales of breath as I stood up closing my eyes. I let go of everything as I looked down and read the results.

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