Ch. 9

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Evan Christopher Stilinski-Hale my son was born first. His sister Ella Claudia Stilinski-Hale came to the world three minutes later. Each were perfectly healthy, and perfectly perfect. Between them there were twenty little fingers and twenty little toes. Two beautiful smiles, and two dangerous pairs of gorgeous whiskey brown eyes that let me know I was definitely going to be a pushover. Stiles had fallen asleep quickly after it all happened, but not before holding them both and crying into my shoulder. I'm not ashamed to say I let tears fall too, we were a dads.

I was in the chair in the corner of the room with a baby in each arm whispering so I didn't wake my exhausted fiance. I looked back down to continue whispering a symphony of sweet nothings when the entire pack came in. Luckily they were quiet and Stiles only turned a little. I smiled up at them as they each made their way over. Lydia just about threw the present she was holding down as she took Ella from me. Erica shoved the teddy bear she was holding into Boyd's arms so she could grab Evan. I let out a whispered chuckle not even bothering to fight them.

"You should get some sleep. We got this" Lydia smiled while bouncing the baby. I gave her a look clearly showing I wasn't convinced "Have a little faith" She pleaded. I laughed and threw my head back into the cushion falling asleep not even bothering to get up from the sofa I was sitting in.


We finally got to take the babies home the three days later. The nursery was set up, of course, by Lydia. The room was a dull green decorated with elephants on the wall. There were cribs on either side of the room along with the needed necessities, and a chair in the corner for the late nights that were sure to come. I layed Even down in his crib and Derek did the same with Ella. We stood there for a short eternity just watching them sleep. Because I knew how hard it was going to be to put them back down I peeled Derek from the room before he could wake them up.

We both found our way back to the bed room not giving it a second thought before letting sleep consume us. Derek and I had been parents for only four days and already were exhausted.

It was well into the night when the cries of our daughter roared through the baby monitor echoing throughout the room shocking us both awake. As expected Ella's bellowing eventually woke Evan resulting in two very unhappy babies. I had sluggishly peeled back the blankets in attempts to sooth them back to sleep when Derek rested a warm hand on my back.

"I got it. You go back to sleep" I kissed his cheek watching him roll reluctantly from the warmth of our bed, pull on a shirt and start down the hallway.

My head instantly found the pillow once more while I rolled from side to side to get comfortable again. Soon I was on the verge of being fast asleep, that was until the crying on the other end of the monitor had stopped and was replaced by the low hum of Dereks's sleepy voice.

"Guess you guys plan on keeping us up for a few nights huh? That's okay Daddy doesn't mind it, just means more time we'll have to spend together"

I smiled and turned up the baby monitor, a sudden warmth ran through my heart. I was so scared and worried that bringing our kids into this jungle we called life would mess them up for sure. But time and time again my sourwolf was there to ensure that things would be okay and I couldn't help but listen as Derek whispered in a dull roar to our children.

"You know I can't say this in front of your daddy cause he'll probably get jealous but you are my two favorite people in this world. I really do plan on spoiling the both of you. Mainly cause you're two of the cutest babies I've ever seen, you can thank your dad for that" he cooed and at this I laughed "Oh god. When did become one of those parents?" He playfully groaned.

I listened for a little while longer until a few minutes later when Derek stumbled sleepily back into the bedroom and found his way under the comforter. His hair was all frazzled sticking up every which way as he tossed and turned to get comfortable. When he finally stopped moving I placed a hand on his chest and he let out a soft grunt signaling that he was still awake.

"Does next month seem to soon?" I asked in a hushed tone, letting my fingers play with the fabric of his t-shirt.

Derek opened his eyes turning to face me "Huh?"

"Well I distinctly remember you proposing to me a while ago. And seeing as though I wasn't really hoping for a big blow out wedding I was wondering if next month seemed a little too soon"

He smiled right through his tiredness "I think it's the perfect time"

When the pack came by to visit the next day we had announced the news. Of course Lydia was upset she couldn't plan the wedding of the century, but she assured us it would still be the best low profile ceremony in the world. And like the rest of the pack she was happy, nonetheless, to be apart of it.

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