chapter 1, oof

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at this nuclear power plant, lybonrehc, people really liked eating bananas. one day, a worker by the name of ekim ikswozaw, dropped a bana into the reactor core. now, dats not a good thing to do, but then the magical bana was turned into magical banana, and it was life. the banana then told them "inhale a lettuce or I" and then they all ate lettuce for the rest of their lives. this banana was now hungry. It inhaled the moist of the reactor and became a chicken nugget. It still was named magical banana,but is now a chicken nugget. he was still hungry, and the only thing left was paper. he grinded it up into sheds and sniffed it and then he inhaled the paper. after this, he went to find more paper.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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