It All Began

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Elliza never knew of the outside world, she was kept confined in a cell. It was made of stone, there was a small window she could look out of by that was all she got to see the world out there.

The room was made up of three stone walls and a front was made up of metal bars. There was a small hole that trays of food could be slid under.

In one of the corners was a bathroom made up of a toilet a small sink and a shower stall, which luckily could be accessed at any time. In other cell blocks, most of the time the bathroom was locked up, only being accessible once in the morning and then at night. If the humans had needs they would have to use buckets left for them.

Vampires would often come to the bars to look at the woman. They would talk to each other in whispers and point at a girl. The girl would leave and not come back. A different girl or adult would come to their place sometimes it was a child.

If a guard came by as wanted to taste one of the girls they were able to and the girl could not protest. Sometimes the guard would be nice enough to just taste but a lot of the time they would overdo it and the girl would pass out or in worst cases die.

The humans were provided uniforms, they were like jumpsuits that were skin tight. They were a navy blue and black with a white tag on the upper right chest with an identification number. They all got black slip-on shoes that didn't provide much comfort.

In the summer and spring time the uniforms were sleeveless and in the winter and fall time they had sleeves there was also a heavy jacket provides to most of the people that also had their identification number on it. If the human was lucky enough they also got gloves and a scarf along with boots.

There was one girl that was given very special treatment and that was Elliza.

Elliza often got special treatment and there was a reason for the special treatment. She was given the most food and treated more carefully. When the time comes to harvest the blood others are grabbed and their wrist or someplace on the arms are sliced open. Elliza gets her blood drawn by a doctor but she always ends up passing out because he takes a lot but when she wakes she sees that juice and some sort of treatment are left.

The other humans always hated her because of her special treatment. Her mother, who was fortunate enough to get placed with her daughter, was always there to comfort her when Elliza needed it.

Elizabeth, Elliza's mother, had been sold to the farm by her husband sixteen years ago. She was pregnant when she was sold. Her husband didn't care, he told her he owed a person money and if he didnt get it to them he would be killed, so he sold her.

When Elizabeth came to the farm she was tattooed with three black numbers, 112, on the nape of her neck. The humans that come are always marked with some sort of number or symbol and are color correlate to whatever vampire or coven claim them. Elliza got hers as soon as she was born.

Sixteen years later, November 11, 2017, Elliza was waking up from her sleep to a lot clatter against the bars. A male guard was banging a cup against the bars. He had a cart in front of him with trays of food. Elliza sat up and scrambled over the bars. She kept her head down, her wild curly red hair falling in front of her face. He reached in and grabbed her chin. He lifted a strand of her hair to his nose and breathe in her scent. He made a content sigh.

Her heart pounded with fear, he must have heard her heartbeat increase because he gave her a wicked grin and let go. He slid her food under the bars. She grabbed it and walked away.

She heard a gasp as she walked away, she turned to see that the vampire had grabbed the wrist of one of the girls and bit into it, when he let go she collapsed. He was laughing as he shoved the tray under the bars. She shakingly grabbed it and walked away. Shes slumped to the ground by Elliza and began to eat. It looked like oatmeal with toast on the side with what could be water but it was muddy looking.

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