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Kuie went down to the kitchen to cook Jinyoung's lunch

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Kuie went down to the kitchen to cook Jinyoung's lunch. Also, she's going to make her own too. And as she does her cooking, she can't help but to think about Jinyoung. 

"I want her back."

"I love her. "

"She's my princess."

She shook her head as she washed her face with her hands. She can't help it, she's blushing but at the same time, Jinyoung is sick and his mom told her not to believe anything he will say.

"He's just sick. He's out of his mind." She muttered to herself as she continued cooking.

Meanwhile, Jinyoung fell asleep while he was crying earlier with Kuie. But then, he suddenly woke up and rubbed his eyes. He tapped the empty side of his bed and realized Kuie wasn't there anymore.

He suddenly pouted. "Mm? Where's my Kuie?" He asked himself as he get out of his bed even though his head hurts. "Aigoo, my head hurts." He whined as he walked out of his room, weakly.

Jinyoung ruffled his hair as he get downstairs, but then the delicious scent of the food from the kitchen travelled through the area. He inhaled the delicious air as he followed it, then it leads him to the kitchen where he found Kuie cooking.

A smile was formed on his face as he walked towards her and gave her a back hug making the girl startled.

"Omo! Jinjja!" She exclaimed. Jinyoung ignored her as he wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. "What the heck are you doing?!" She asked him.

"Can't I hug my future wife?" He smirked.

"Future wife?!" She scoffed, "Heol Bae Jin --" She was cut when Jinyoung landed his lips on hers for the second time. Kuie slapped his cheek lighty so that he would pull away but he didn't. Kuie's eyes widened and can't help but to respond.

author: hoooo torrid!  😂 kidding.

But Kuie went to her senses that he pushed him away, and she was madly blushing. Good thing she was already done cooking and she'll be going off to the dessert. 

She glared at him and put the ladle away. "Your lips were sweet." He suddenly smirked. What the hell is happening to him? The redness of her cheeks didn't fade, her heart was beating faster and loud. She wanted to slap him but her patience should be on the top. He is sick, and he is just out of his mind. What the f'ck.

"Why are you here? You're supposed to be -- " She was cut off again when he pulled her into a hug. "Jinyoung what's with you?" She asked him. 

"Just let me do this," He said. 

"Jinyoung, you have a girlfriend." Kuie blurted out. Jinyoung didn't answer and just continued hugging her. He has no plan about letting her go at this moment so the girl was having no choice but to hug him back, again. 

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