Chapter 1

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It's hard leaving Ohio, but I am happy to get away from my parents. They always told me to be like my twin sister, and I don't plan to be anything like her. She is not the angel mom and dad think she is. She is a devil. She is Satan, matter of fact, but mom and dad don't believe that. They just haven't seen the real her. I've tried to show them in many ways, but she always somehow had them fall down a deep hole of lies.
Let me introduce myself properly, I'm Sara Paul and the devil we were talking about earlier is Violet Paul. I'm getting kicked out of my parent's house , so I'm moving in with my oldest brother Logan. He is the better brother because he also hates Violet. He believes me in the stories I tell him instead of her. He has seen her dark side too.
I just finished packing my bags to go to Logan's house. I checked the time and it was 13:54 (1:54pm). Only just a few more hours until I have to leave. I head downstairs into the kitchen for a little snack, and I was about to go back to my room until Greg stopped me. By the way, I don't plan on calling them "Dad" or "Mom" anymore.

"Sara," Greg called from the living room couch. "Where is the remote for the T.V.?" he asked with a bit of anger in his voice. I think that he his absolutely angered right now, but he just chooses to try to sound calm so he could be more intimidating. Nothing changed.

"What? I don't know. Why are you asking me? Shouldn't you be asking Violet? She was the last one who was watching T.V." I replied in an annoyed tone.

"See? This is why we would like to send you to LA. It's because we don't want to listen to your lies anymore. Logan will hopefully be able to fix that and be able to take care of you."

"The only reason he can take care of me is because actually he cares unlike you." I sprint to my room afterwards, not caring about how he'll react. I'm sorry, I don't really like to lie much but I just did, Reader. I do care about the way he reacts, but I'll tell you why some other day.

It was 15:10 (3:10pm) now and I'm outside standing with my bags to my side as I wait for my BFF to pick me up. I only have about 2 hours until I board the plane and I cannot wait. I'm very excited to leave this state away from my terrible parents and twin.

My BFF had driven over and rolled down the window of his truck. "Hey, Bestie," Ben smiled with his natural makeup look on.

"Hey, Ben. You look amazing with that makeup," I said as I smiled back at him.

"Since when did I not?" We both laugh at his joke and we drive onto a highway. "You shouldn't take a nap yet because your flight to L.A. will take a lot longer. You could just sleep on the plane."

"Okay, fine. We'll just listen to music then," I turned on the radio and the host starts talking about this new band named Why Don't We.

"This is the very first time that the new and famous song has gone on the radio. This song is called 'Something Different' by a new pop band called Why Don't We. Why Don't We contains these five amazing and talented boys. Their names are Corbyn Besson, Zach Herron, Jack Avery, Jonah Marais, and Daniel Seavey. Please enjoy their song, Something Different," the host says as the song starts.

The song plays and I find it amazing. Definitely something I'm willing to sing and dance to.

"Woah. I like," I turned to Ben and he starts laughing.

"I like too,"Ben is smiling so wide, but it fades slowly. "I'm going to miss you."

I sigh. "Me too. My best friend, the one who never left my side since we were little kids, will be left. Maybe, at somepoint when I get enough money, I'll buy you a plane ticket to go there."

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