Prologue- Experimental

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Turtle-Side-Note: ... Wow... this is my first time writing a prologue as opposed to just jumping head first into a story... welp, there's a first time for everything! I also have no idea what I'm doing with my life anymore. Go me!


A hushed voice called out into the darkness of the morning laboratory. The voice was low, bouncing off the walls of the empty facility.

The owner of the voice silently walked through the intimidatingly quiet building, his small form easily being towered over by the heavy machinery surrounding him. "seriously, doc, i know you didn' call me up to come to work at four in the damn mornin' for no reason." The small skeleton's eye-lights danced around the room, trying to find his boss.

He furrowed his brows, before walking over to the wall he knew the light-switch was located on, the heels of his shoes clicking against the floor as he went along. He reached out to the wall, his hand blindly trying to find the button, which was surprisingly camouflaged in the dark lab.

He fumbled a little, but eventually he felt the slight indent in the wall that marked where the light-switch was. He smiled, relieved, but as he went to press it, a strong hand suddenly gripped his shoulder, causing him to suck in surprised breath, jumping as he whipped his head around.

In front of him, stood the man he was looking for in all his glory.

Doctor Wingding Gaster.

The smaller being let out a grateful breath, "doc, don't do that!" He laughed a little out of nerves, "what the hell were ya doin' in the dark anyway?"

A sly smile crept onto the taller man's face as he smoothly spoke, "I was trying to scare you." His eye-lights seemed amused, "It seems it worked."

The smaller scientist rolled his eye-lights at him, even though he was smiling like an idiot, "oh, ha ha, real mature, doc. and you say i'm the one who acts like a five year old."

"Because you usually are, Domic." He stated, matter-of-factly. Gaster then calmly released Sans' shoulder, "Come now, I need your assistance with this new experiment."

"new experiment?" Sans asked suspiciously, knowing full well both of them were already over their heads in work from the current machine they were building.

"Yes." The elder scientist replied simply. He then began walking off another direction, knowing Sans would follow close behind like he always did.

Sans watched as the doctor walked off, his brows pursing together in complete befuddlement.  After the scientist took his first two long strides however, Sans immediately scuttled after him, having to make three quick paces of his own to keep up with the doctor's long, graceful steps.

As Sans caught up with him, he shoved his hands into his lab-coat's pockets, "so, uh, doc?" He asked, as he peered up at the much taller man.

"Yes?" The doctor responded, not even looking down at Sans, his eyes fixated on the direction he was leading both of them.

Sans continued to ask his question, "what exactly is this new experiment about? i don't remember good ol' fluffy buns tellin' us to do anythin' else at the last meeting." He let out a breathy laugh as he attempted to poke fun at their king.

Gaster furrowed his brows, his breath puffing out in aggravation, "Domic, I swear, your grammatical skills are getting worse by the day." He glanced down quickly, just watching Sans shrug at it, not seeming to care. He looked forward again, sighing, his voice softening to his usual monotone, "Nevertheless, I am sure you will find this experiment just as fascinating as I do." He paused, "At least, I hope you do. It is an experiment I've been wanting to do for some time," he eye-lights glanced to the side before flickering back forward, "and it's nothing that the King has ordered of us to do."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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