Chapter XXII: Ache of the Past

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The whole darn place reeked of the very rotten scent of the Grimm. I looked around for a few moments before I wiped a drop of nervous sweat off of my forehead. I slowly approached the tall tower-like structure and stopped to glare at just how big the doors were sizing them up as I exhaled to myself and opened up the humongous entrance.

I saw nothing, nothing but darkness. Then I felt eyes... eyes that glowed in the dark, furious, crimson red with the intent of hunger. Hundreds of them, surrounding me, I only leered back at them, the growls turned into low-key snarls wherever my eyes laid. Beowolves, Ursai, Taijitus, even a goddamn Nevermore crawling as if it were a creature possessed on the ceiling. Once I reached the centre of the structure, I look a deep breath.

Me: My lady, I've returned!

I bellowed out, my voice echoing off the depths of the walls, even for a moment causing the Grimm to halt their respective hungry snarls, as they all were silenced, backing off into the shadows. They remained silent, they had to whenever the Queen arrived.

Salem: Well, look who's returned from his little crusade.

Me: I've completed most of my plans, the operations are going as planned my lady... I've nevertheless been a bit stressed the past few days.

Salem: Which means?...

She asks with a bit of distaste in her very voice tone.

Me: I'm requesting permission to rest for a few days, the Vytal festival is oncoming soon. I've been eager to strike at the very heart of tradition and culture, which is the last of the good feeling this world has to offer.

Salem: You are to not rest, I've known you still have that burning fury of your past within you... or has it been snuffed out... by passion for that girl?

Me: L-Lilith Heather? M'lady, she means nothing to me, I'm focused on one thing and one thing only. The annihilation of Beacon...

I boasted, trying to get a decently approve from Salem, but nevertheless she scoffed. Walking around me, slowly.

Salem: You do know what some say about semblances in the local culture, Y/N L/N?

Me: Y-yes madame. I do, the se-

I started, only to get interrupted by her.

Salem: Semblances are the manifestation of what's within us. They represent what's within.

Me: But I do know that already madame...

Salem: Did I ask you to interrupt me L/N?...

I solidified my stance as Salem tilted her head, the little jingle of the jewelry on her bone-white hair sending a slight tingle down my spine.

Me: No madame.

Salem: Your semblance represents the emptiness within... the void that fills your heart after what had happened to you. The darkness, that is why I gave you the ability that day, you know not everyone has the privilege of gaining such power.

Me: Hmmm, wouldn't call it much of a privilege...more of a horrible nightmare that sticks like a parasite.

Flashback 5 Years Ago, Unknown Village

The local huntsman was a cool guy, I would hang out with him day after day as he taught me about Grimm. What they are, what they want, and most importantly, how to stop them dead in their tracks. His name was Blau... a close friend of my dad and one of the most inspirational men I've known in my life, such as the day that he gave his dad's knife to me as a gift for my 13th birthday.

and also the most infuriating piece of shit on the fucking planet that I've yet have to haunt my nightmares, though the nightmares are the only thing that's kept me going on my crusade.

That day, a massive hoard of Grimm was spotted outside of the village borders... though Blau was nowhere to be seen. They armed men and teenagers like me with petty rifles to try and stall the advance. The women and children ran as I tried my hardest with my dad atop the church tower to kill every single Grimm that even entered out crosshairs, shot, after shot, after shot for what felt like hours we were low on ammo... My dad kept desperately and without success call Blau on his scroll, it kept playing that fucking annoying prick's snarky voice over and over telling us about how he's probably doing something and that we should call back.

That's when a nevermore crashed through the church tower's bell... My dad was killed instantly, I was pinned down by the cross, the nevermore's shrieks echoed throughout the sky as I heard the Grimm breaking through the barriers and eventually catching up with the young women and children whom still haven't evacuated yet I heard the goddamn screams and carnage yet didn't feel the power to do it. I kept praying and praying that Blau would show up just in time. But eventually the screams were silenced, even the Grimm couldn't smell the amount of fury I contained within, they left within minutes. And that's when I met Salem.

She promised me that she would help me avenge my family, my friends and all who died on that day. She destroyed the cross that was still pinning me down and I eventually accepted the deal out of thanks. Salem gave me the semblance 'Devil's Ash.' which you already know what it does. She and me went to a small motel a few miles west of the village, and it turns out... Blau was there...


That infuriated me, Salem told me about how he had betrayed me and my family, as well as everyone in the village that day... how he would've stopped the Grimm had he not given in to temptation and went away for a few days. Huntsmen just suddenly became the enemy, no longer the inspiration of light they once were to me as a small boy, just low life bags of scum that looked to get famous... I hated them, because of their greed my family died... and I could do nothing to stop it. And perhaps that's when I just snapped. I figured if humanity's going to eventually die off due to stupidity and incompetence of people who are supposed to protect us... I might as well spare us from decades of unneeded pain and struggle when in the end it won't even matter anymore. It's when I saw the light, and fell back into the dark.

I turned to ash, zooming through the bottom of the door. I slit his whorish bitch's neck, letting her fall to the floor, Blau was frightened. Tried to apologize, I didn't want to hear his deceit, I again turned to ash, zooming within his mouth, entering his lungs. He struggled to breathe in my fury and was choking to death for at least 5 minutes, after both of them were deceased I exited the room, meeting Salem a few minutes later in the forest.

She then said how I'd have the ability save other families from temptation... I wanted to be the hero of my own story, I didn't want to have anything to do with huntsmen anymore, I wanted to chop the head of the snake, to save people... my own way.

No one is born evil, they just adapt to the world around them. Something every other huntsmen clearly have not, remaining blind to factors of greed, maliciousness and corruption getting in the way of protection for people. It's a new age, it's probably time citizens changed as well.

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