Rule 63'd/Fem Ace of Spades X Male Reader

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A/N: What have I done?!...

-Y/N's POV-

I shiver as a bead of sweat hugged my cheek, my sword reflects my fear whilst I back up in the darkness. Drying blood soaking my already dirty hair as my hands gripping my blade tightly begin to shiver in silence. A low confident feminine giggle sends chills up my spine as I turn around, it seems to come from everywhere.

She's smart... almost too smart... My teammates are probably all dead. B-but how?!

That was when I eventually backed up into someone, my high hopes of it being Ashley were snuffed out as the Ace of Spades leaned in and swiftly licked my ear while whispering.

Ace: Hello pumpkin...

I almost break in tears as I yell in fury and swing my curved sword as fast as I can at her. She of course dodges my blow with that goddamn semblance of hers. She reformed from ashes, sitting casually on my dead teammate, Jonathan.

Ace: Why so deep in anguish? Y/N you aren't too bad of a hunter. I haven't even killed you, yet... I usually know how good or bad a huntsman is when I slay him.

I grit my teeth in anger, I cry out as I dropped my sword from exhaustion.

Y/N: Damm you, you demon!

I cry out. My ultimately tired legs about to give way as she herself ultimately looked relatively unscathed after my team's best efforts to try and kill her.

Ace: Oh... how you hurt my fragile heart you evil man... tragic.

She falsely proclaimed while also smiling, standing up and placing a hand on her hip.

Ace: Listen up then hustler. A woman's gotta do what a woman's gotta do. You see... I've planned all this from the very beginning.

Y/N: What do you mean?!

I asked, she couldn't have possibly been able to perceive all that happened up to this moment! It's borderline impossible!... Yet she again giggles at my perhaps dumbfounded expression.

Ace: I made sure that Ozpin would send some people after I purposely left that burning symbol as a way to prove something.

Me: Prove what?! That a terrorist like you is willing enough and has such an ego that she is against everything that us huntsmen stand for.

This visually enraged her, I almost slapped myself at the realization itself that I shouldn't have said that. It was then I collapsed in exhaustion.

Ace: You... HA! You don't know a fucking thing. All blind due to Ozpin's false claims of heroism! It's almost sad...

This got me thinking...

Me: H-how so?

She grumbled.

Ace: Huntsmen's moralities only go as far. Since you and all else are still only human, humans have a tendency to betray and give in to corruption and even do the unthinkable. You're the last line of defence... but aren't at the same time.

I stuttered in resistancex

Me: But I would never do-

Ace held up her pointer finger. I silenced myself immediately, I knew this girl wouldn't hesitate to kill me if it got to it.

Ace: I know Y/N... I know. Which is why I formulated this whole plan in the first place.

She said, walking closer. It was only then I saw how tall she was compared to me.

Ace: I've been watching you Y/N. Seen potential on you. You're not like the others... I see it in your eyes.

She glared down at me, her crimson left eye provided an almost perfect window into her ruthless and mysterious mind. However I felt powerless in her gaze, I wonder if the others felt the same thing as well before she struck with an almost graceful and athletic style of attack.

Me: Y-you're...

I began to say, before I lost my own words in my mind's own abyss.

Ace gently lifted me up to my feet, swung out her filthy butterfly knife, still stained red with the blood of her previous prey. Gently and slowly dragging it across my chest and shoulders as she circled me, almost as if inspecting me.

Ace: I see much potential in you Y/N. This whole thing was about catching you anyways. Though, I hadn't counted on the fact that your teammates would come and try to help you. Such a shame... Lives lost for no reason.

She stopped in front of me and sighed disappointedly. Shaking her head slowly as she then lifted her head up at me, raising her hand and smiling.

Ace: It's only a little innocent partnership, nothing else, How 'bout joining the winning side for once hm? Y/N?

She asks, stroking my chin in little circles. I didn't have a choice, she had me right where she wanted, and if I denied it, I'd die a failure... Though I'm already one, a failure. What lower could I get on the social ladder by teaming up with one of the most notorious female villains Remnant has ever seen? A pretty beautiful looking one at that... I could probably get used to this honestly...

Me: Um... of course. I guess it's not like I have a choice after all. I hope this has it's benefits though.

-Ace's POV-

Perfect! Now that Y/N's now mine to command. I could use him as a masquerade into the Vytal Dance that's upcoming soon. He'll be a great asset indeed... A cute one at that.

Perhaps he'll be a better partner than Callie... always lusting after that gangster Dylan Judith... Whatever the hell's with her I don't want, and soon I won't need. Her demise will probably be the best thing to happen ever since I stepped into Beacon.

Me: Good. I hope we can acquaint to each other during this.

Y/N: You do? That's surprising.

Me: Indeed, as is the fact that I'm going to have to ask you to the upcoming dance in a few weeks.

His eyes widened in shock.

Y/N: Wait what? Seriously?

Me: Yup. It can even be pretty romantic if we put our mind to it...

I tell, lightly pecking him on the cheek as I turned from him and begin to walk away. The transceiver I stuck to his chin when I stroked it should be working now, in any case he decided to betray me of course.

Y/N: Wow. Um, sure! Em... date next Wednesday?

I paused.

Me: I'm busy, perhaps next weekend. If of course, you can get rid of the evidence, and prove yourself as a big bad criminal... Maybe I'll give you a chance. Babe...

I said, smirking back at him as I continued my walk out. Leaving Y/N to tend to the three bodies scattered around the huge dark warehouse.

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