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D2 Cast Groupchat ⚔️💙💜
Dovey🕊 has added you and 9 others to D2 Cast Groupchat ⚔️💙💜
Dovey🕊: Hey guys I thought that it be cool to for us to have a groupchat

Queen Blue 👑💙: Oh that's cool so after filming maybe we can all keep in touch

China: Yeah that sounds cool

Dovey🕊: So hows everybody?

BabyBreanna💛: Good! Ready for filming next week

SmileyDi😊: Same

CBoyce❤️: Yuppp

Boo👻❤️: Same it gonna be awesome

MHope💛❤️: I can already tell this is gonna be amazing

Sunshine☀️😭: Really can't wait to work with you and Thomas China!!!

Sunshine☀️😭: Speaking if which where is Thomas?

Dovey🕊: Oh guys he's with me we went out to eat

China: Oh.. okay?? 😂😂

BabyBreanna💛: @China exactly my mood 😂

China: Lmao okay guys I gotta go see you next week!!

All(except Dove and Thomas for reasons 🙃): Bye China!!

Okay guys so sorry I haven't updated I've had to deal with being sick and school but yeah I'll probably update again tonight. Also what would you guys think of me making a Huma book??

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