Liar, liar-First day of school

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Great ! It's the first day of school and I am awoken by the most annoying sound!

6.30 am.
Why so early?

6.40 am.
After 10 minutes of snoozing, Allison finally got up in a sluggish manner. She had a shower, brushed her teeth, had breakfast and changed into her uniform. Her Dad thought that it made her look smart although she felt like it was disgusting. It was a yucky green blazer and kilt, a lime coloured shirt and a brown tie.
The school wasn't very far away from Allison;it was just a stone throw away.But of course - it was the first day of school- she asked her dad to bring her.

"Here's the letter you need to show the head teacher in the morning. I think you have a meeting with her but anyways.. Bye!", He said while waving cheerfully and looking at his upset daughter. His daughter was only upset because she had no clue where anywhere was in the school. She'd have to ask someone for the directions or act like a lost sheep for the rest of the morning.
Do I have to ask someone?
I hate doing that.
I know I'm new but ...
As Allison walked past the school gates, she slipped and tripped the slightest bit. Her letter. It was gone! Instantly,she began searching for it. There was a girl approaching her with a wonderful smile. She had a letter that resembled her own. Slightly smeared. It must have fallen on the mud. She was approaching  Allison.
"Here you go . I think this is yours!", She said with a heartwarming smile.
Without thought Allison snatched it away from her and said, "Thanks. Erm.. I. I...".
"Hi I'm Adalynn! Pleasure to meet you!" She welcomed her.
"I-i-i "
You can do this
"I'm Allison!" She quickly she responded.
"Are you new here? Sorry I don't think I've seen you around."
"Yes , I'm new"
"Do you know the way to the..."she checked the letter to confirm the destination."to the head teacher's office?

Adalynn lead Allison to the head teacher's office and waited for her outside in the hallway.After fifteen minutes, Allison came out and smiled at Adalynn.
Be nice.
Be nice.
"What did she say?" Adalynn asked on excitement.
"She welcomed me, told me some key rules and said that she expects good from me. Mrs Godwin also told me that the important information in mainly in the letter.",Allison replied.
"Read the letter" ,Adalynn commanded.
The letter read:

To parents/carers of Allison Coley,
We are very happy to have you join our school on this coming Friday!
We hope that you feel welcome and can continue being successful in this wonderful environment.
As soon as you get to school, come to my office.
Your form room will be in S.B6.
You will be told you classes when you go to form time in the morning.
Thank you for reading.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Godwin.

"You're in S.B6! YAAAYYYY!",She screamed. Adalynn went to high Allison.
"I'm guessing that you're there as well.", Said Allison.

The day was great from then. Allison made a new friend and she seemed to be quite nice. She was very eager and quiet attached but Allison didn't mind. At least she had a friend. Well, that's what she thought.


Not finished yet .

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