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It was no surprise to Aster Seren, only of eleven years of age, when she got her Hogwarts letter. Ever since she could remember her house was always bustling with magic. So when the owl arrived with her letter, the anticipation of getting the note was finally set free.

Her parents told her she was growing up too fast and that would love it there. They told her about their years in school and how many memories those walls held. And how they hoped she could make memories there of her own.

A young James Potter also got his letter, hurdling down the street to his friends house to share the excitement with her. There was no questioning the amazing bond between the two, they were practically family, and when James came stumbling into their home, glasses falling down the bridge of his nose, and a large toothy smile, they celebrated like such.

Aster and James went together on their shopping trip to Diagon Alley. James yanking her every which way, before she'd slap him in the head because their parents trusted them to shop alone so they had to be 'mature.' James, however, still paid no mind, even crashing into someone. Aster was not quick enough to stop it. However, the sandy-haired boy said he was fine and went on his merry way, telling them that maybe they'd see each other again and James would be able to make up for the collision.

The train ride was the best part, in Aster's opinion. Running through the platform made her heart race with joy because it was finally happening, she'd be going to a school she dreamed about. She searched for James compartment by compartment and bumped into a girl who looked slightly lost.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!" The small brunette was frantic. Aster chuckled lightly.

"It's fine. It's not all your fault, I had a part in it too." Aster smiled, sticking her hand out for a handshake, "I'm Aster."

"I'm Ophelia, it's lovely to meet you." Ophelia returned the smile and shook Aster's hand. She was seemingly less nervous now that she had introduced herself. "Would you mind sitting with me? I don't really know anyone here and I'd love to have a friend."

"I'd love to and count me as your friend now," Aster chirped, opening an empty cabin door and sliding in, tucking her legs under her as she sat down.

The two girls became close very fast, discovering that the had an abundance of similarities. The both loved reading, they talked about how they felt books could transport you. Aster learned that Ophelia loved writing and playing violin. Ophelia learned that Aster loved to paint and take pictures of the world that captivated her. They had their differences, however. Ophelia liked organization and routine. Aster had a habit of going with the flow and stumbling upon situations. Yet, both of them talked to each other as if they'd known one another for ages.

Upon arrival to Hogwarts, the first years were gestured to the lake, where small boats sat waiting to escort them across. The ride awed and inspired the girls. Their eyes widened and Aster's mouth hanging slightly agape. The castle was everything she could've hoped for it to be, from the grassy fields, to the beautifully illuminated stone towers. She was flabbergasted.

A stern-faced witch led all the first years to the Great Hall, where an old raggedy hat sat on a bench. It sang about the four houses. The children felt anxiety bubble up in their stomach. They were unsure as to where they'd be sorted, Gryffindor the Brave, Ravenclaw the Wise, Slytherin the Cunning, or Hufflepuff the loyal.

Aster peered over taller first year's shoulders. She was completely lost as to where she'd fit in. Her mother was a Gryffindor, but that never appealed to Aster. She never truly felt brave and almost everything about the unknown made her chest ache with fear. Her father was Hufflepuff, and though she was extremely kind. She sucked at finding things and could never be a follower. She was stumped.

"You nervous?" She heard a boy ahead of her whisper to his friend. He was dressed in very neat and pristine robes. It was easy to tell by looking at them they were of high expense.

"No," the other boy said. His voice was all too familiar to Aster. She weasled her way up to them and saw just who she was expecting to see. James. She jabbed her finger into his side, causing him to jolt and elbow her in the stomach.

"Bloody hell, Potter," Aster groaned, clutching her stomach. James just let out a light chuckle.

"Well you shouldn't of shocked me like that, Seren!" James tried to defend himself, throwing his hands up in faux surrender. The boy who first spoke eyed Aster up and down, a cautious look on his face. Aster noticed that two other boys stood with them, one was baby-faced and small with an anxious air around him, the other was the same boy from the other day in Diagon Alley.

"Who's your friend, James?" The raven-haired boy spoke up, his face still laced with alertness.

"Oh, this is Aster- hey," James started only to be cut of with a smack in the back of the head.

"I can introduce myself," She asserted, crossing her arms over her chest, "I'm Aster Seren, lovely to meet you."

"Sirius Black," The boy added, forcing a smile at the sound of his last name coming out his lips. Aster's eyebrows furrowed. He didn't seem to have the arrogance she'd expect from a family as prestigious as the Blacks.

"This is Remus, " James stated, motioning to the boy from previous encounters before gesturing to a small mousy boy next to him, "and Peter."

"Pleased to meet you," Remus responded to his introduction, tucking his book under his arm, "especially since James isn't hurdling into me this time."

They all hushed, as the witch in the front of the room started calling names to get sorted, "Eliza Amber."

A small girl waddled up. She was a little chubby, and a bright smile graced her face. Her hair was tied in twintails giving her an essence of quirkiness. She sat there, her eyes flashing around the room, no doubt because of nervousness.

"RAVENCLAW," The hat bellowed, and the small slightly outlandish girl scurried over to a welcoming table of blue and bronze.

"Finn Atlantes," the witch called and so on went the sorting. Aster watched all her new acquaintances get sorted before her, Sirius - Gryffindor, Ophelia - Ravenclaw, Remus - Gryffindor, Peter - Gryffindor,  James - Gryffindor, until it dwindled down to her.

"Aster Seren." The witch emphasized the s' in Aster's name. She scurrued up, her heart felt like it was going to pound out of her chest.

"Ah, a Seren. Interesting. . ." Taunted the hat. She fiddled with her fingers, "Nervous? I see, hmm. No worry dear, I'm just inspecting your mind to see where you'll fit best."

"Ah, you seem to have a ruthless ambition, would fit well in Slytherin. You seem to like having power over people. However, you're not very good at telling lies or deceiving others, so maybe not the house of the Serpent.

Your mother was a Gryffindor, I see. You have her strife and you seem to have an underlying desire for adventure. You love trying new things, but you aren't willing to go past a certain point and even now you trembling with a fear of the unknown."

"Can you just hurry up?"

"Calm yourself, I'm almost done. How about Ravenclaw? Seems you've had a new friend sorted their tonight. Yes, you're mind is great. You have a thirst for intelligence. You do like to give advice, yet you don't follow it yourself, peculiar. Very creative, I see. Painting, writing, and such seem very appealing in your mind, but

"Let's not rule out the other house left. Hufflepuff, also some family history in this house. You are very kind, but you seem to like to lead things, not follow. You're intentions are always pure, but you're not the most diligent worker. I think I know where to place you now.


Aster trembled as she stood up. A breath of immense relief escaped her lungs. She was happy to not be up there anymore. She stumbled over to the long table, with students cheering for the hats announcements and people patting her on the back, welcoming her to her new family for the next seven years.

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