Inappropriate Swear Word Here

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How do you describe a life that has no meaning?

One that is as small as the stars in the night's sky.

As insignificant as a little pebble laying in the garden by the rose.

The spec of dust floating around the atmosphere finding a place to belong.

An unwanted bacteria wadding in the dark corners of the trash bin.

This one life, Pa-rang's to be exact, was only the beginning of something very, very, important.

But at the moment, she felt like the last bit of cream in the bottom of the jug. Unused and forgotten, to only be thrown away never to be used or taken again.

Yet, she stays and plasters a wide smile on the tear soaked face. Being this small is a burden only one could ever carry. Or so she thought.

And to think all she needed was one other small person to see past the mask. To see that she was dying inside while she smiled in the face of others.

Not only to see, but to also care.

So the real question is, how do you know when a life has no meaning?

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