Dancing Carrot

136 10 1

AN: Beware, this chapter is a little strange... >:)



Possibly together? 



I'm so much better than him! I mean, I am THE RICHEST man in England! I am the only one worthy enough of ifrits time! Who does he think he is, some fancy Captain who can woo her with his carrot-like beard! When Waste Disposal gets a load of this, I will make sure they bring him down. Maybe ship him off to an island with no chance of returning...or surviving.

These thoughts envelope my mind as I pour myself another glass of wine. Leaning back in my chair, I stare at my empty office. It seems cold and bleak without her. 

It's Sunday, meaning Lilly won't be here to brighten my day today. 

Good, she won't have to see you like this! Drinking because your ifrit could have an interest in someone other than you. It's pathetic!

Shut up.

I know I could be doing many other things than sitting here. I could be sorting files, plotting revenge, checking the stocks, heck- I could even be redecorating my room if I was crazy enough!

This is ridiculous, you need to get your act together. What if someone comes in and sees the one and only Rikkard Ambrose drinking because of some girl? You'll lose your reputation!

True, but no one is here. The Empire House is closed on the weekends. 

Who cares- just think of the hangover you're going to have tomorrow! You'll have to deal with the irfit AND have a massive headache.

As of right now, I don't care. Dangliesh could come in here right now and I wouldn't do anything. Well, that's a lie. 

Taking another drink of wine, I think of how my life is going so far. My family disowning me, having to live on the streets and beg, and working my way up to the top. All that's missing in my life as of now if a wife, as some people say. I think it's a waste of time, what would the woman do? Sit around waiting for me to come home from work? Foolish!

Unless it's the ifrit...

Well, she wouldn't be waiting for me, she would be with me working. Sitting in her office, sorting files for me with sassy remarks and smiles. Oh her smile...


I wonder what she's doing right now. Is she with her family? At a ball, perhaps? In the garden? With Captain Carrot? 

She's most definitely doing something better than you. 

I can almost imagine what they look like together. I shutter at the thought.

Hey, why is there a carrot on my desk? I don't remember buying any carrots! Wow, this is a big carrot... Wait- why is the carrot standing up? It-it's growing arms? Why does it have a brown patch on it's chin- is that a sorry excuse for a beard? 

Suddenly, a mini Lilly jumps up from my desk, and joins the carrot. The carrot reaches out it's hand, and Lilly takes it. Then, they fall into a classic waltz dance. W-what is happening? LILLY DON'T DANCE WITH THAT OVER SIZED CARROT!

I give up on you, Rikkard.

As I fall into a deep slumber, the last thing I see is her dancing at a ball with an oversized carrot.


I stare at my window, listening to Ella snoring softly beside me. It's Sunday, meaning tomorrow I'm going to somehow face Mr. Ambrose and not be awkward. I mean, I like him but I may be engaged! 

Key word: May! You still have a choice here!

Earlier today, when he proposed to me, I stared at him in shock for a whole two minutes before speaking. How awkward! I told him I'd have to think about it, and I can remember vividly how his face dropped, like I just kicked a puppy. Then we walked to my house in silence, he bid me farewell, and left. Now I'm here, staring at the window. 

It's true, I could say no to Captain Carter. But how would I do it without hurting his feelings? Normally I wouldn't care, but he's different. He makes balls kind of fun! If he suddenly wasn't there, ugh. I wouldn't be able to survive them! 

Ella shifts in her sleep, and I sigh. Monday is going to be very awkward on my part. I can just imagine walking up to the Empire House, men clothes on and all, walking up the steps to Mr.Stone. Saying "Good Morning" per usual, and then going to my office. I wonder what that will be like. I may be resigning by then, if Captain Carter somehow makes me marry him before Monday Morning.

Honestly, I would love to be there right now. In my office, working hard. At least it would get me away from here. Away from my aunts disapproving gaze when I told her that Captain Carter left. Away from my sisters making unladylike comments about how I'll never be loved and I'll be alone for the rest of my days. I tear up just thinking about that. I can imagine my stubborn attitude driving all the men away, my aunt kicking me out of the house for being unloved, and having to live on the streets. All alone.

No, you won't be alone. You'll have Mr. Ambrose! And solid chocolate!

I feel tears stream down my face as I counter that thought. One, if I'm homeless I can't work for him and two, money eventually runs out. Then I won't have enough money to buy any clothes or chocolate. 

Wow, you're a downer. Just go to sleep, tomorrow you have to work. I'm outta here.

With that voice gone, I'm aware of how quiet it is here. Ella softly snoring, her lover probably doing the same, my heart beat thudding deep in my chest, my breaths lulling me to sleep.

Before I go into the world of dreams, I get a weird feeling. Besides this melancholy aura my mind is in, I find a little humor in this next thought. 

Me, and an over sized carrot, waltzing together.


Hey guys! So, I have a plan! I update every Saturday, if I have an idea. Or, if I do an early update, I may not update the following Saturday.

I kind of wrote this just because. I didn't really want to get into the details of the marriage and I wanted to see if any of you had any ideas, possibly? I really don't know what to write next, so if you could give me something to write, that would be great! I threw in this over sized carrot stuff to amuse you guys and make this chapter less depressing. :)

Remember to:




And avoid being over sized carrots! ;)

(1018 words in this chapter)

Also, could anyone help me on how to do the emojis on here? Cause I can't figure it out so I'm just doing :) and stuff :/


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