The Story of EvenTide

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It started all here...In the Deep,Cruel,Beautiful,EvenTide Forest lived a wolf named "Naira" she lived in an Indian wolf pack, but never felt happy there. her pack was cruel and heartless but she was kind and understanding.When a wolf pack member would do something wrong they go bye bye. her parents want her to marry another wolf to become queen some day,but Naira refused. So She cried and ran off. Her parents didn't care a bit as they knew she would come back very soon. Their also lived a wolf named,"stone" he's a rouge, and pretty much minds his own business most of the time. but not today. he likes to wonder alone with no other wolf besides him.

One day he was wondering the woods looking for food as he was walking he heard crying coming from the distance and saw a young she-wolf like himself running,he noticed that she was about to fall off a steep hill!'she slipped' stone was terrified he had to think fast. She went tumbling down and out of nowhere stone jumps out and grabbed her on his back. she was passed out, so stone waited by her said until she woke up. she then woke up minutes later.she opened her eyes and saw a young handsome wolf. Naira:w-who are you...? She said, Stone:I'm the wolf who just saved your life. Naira: oh,well.. Thank you. Stone:no problem.*thinks*i have no idea how to talk to a she-wolf,I'll just play it cool* Naira:so um what's your name? Stone:oh sorry I didn't say before I'm "Stone"Naira:well nice to meet you stone I'm "Naira"Stone:nice name where you come from? Naira:Well I'm from an Indian pack called-*as soon as she was about to say her pack name she heard leaves moving and twigs breaking and guard paws running* Naira:oh no it's my packs guards I think their looking for me you better go, fast! 'Stone went running hoping to see her again'. Guard 1:Miss,your parents sent us looking for you they were surprised you didn't come back quickly like you always do. Naira:oh well now you found me please take me back home now. Guard 1:as you wish.

*Back at camp* Shuki:where have you been?! Naira:I'm sorry I was running and-* Shuki interrupts her*No excuses young lady! You are gonna stay in your cave for 30moons! Naira:what! This is unfair! Kelly:young lady!you better not speak to us like-Shuki:no talking back!and life isn't fair so get used to it!! Kelly:ugh I hate it when he does that..Naira:you guys are horrible!!*runs to her cave*Shuki:hm good. Kelly:why do you always have to interrupt me when Im about to say something!? Shuki:well you always take forever and you don't tell her right!Kelly:ugh you don't even treat her good!! you know what I'm leaving you! Shuki:grrr what did you say woman!? Kelly:I said I'm!!-*Shuki grabs her by her neck*No one leaves me!!EVER!!*throws against tree*Guards! Guard 6:yes sir. Shuki:Get rid of her. Guard 6:as you wish. Naira:ugh I hate them, they ruin everything...if only I could run away, forever...*sighs*

THE NEXT DAY... Naira:*yawns* hmm... It's quiet everyone probably went hunting.*twigs break in the back round* Naira:Stone!!?.Stone:hehe..hi..Naira:wha-what are you doing here?there gonna kill you if they see you!and how did you find me? Stone:Well I followed your scent and well...I just wanted to see why you were crying.. ._. Naira:..uhh.. Stone:look I know it sounds weird but I just care about other wolves a lot. I just never had anyone to really hang out with..and your the only wolf I've ever talked to.. 😔 Naira:oh I'm sorry I never knew. Stone:nah it's ok.. Naira:well we can hang out by the logs. Stone:sure,thanks.*at the logs* Naira:so what happened in your lifetime?and how did you become a rouge? Stone:well I was always a rouge,I just woke up one day and well..that was the begging of my life, I saw no other wolves it's like they abandon me.a puppy,laying alone in the I went on and took care of my self hehe..dodging other packs and stealing food I still do that tho ._. But it's no fun when your alone.i do run into pups from other packs but then they get scared and call there I never felt what it feels like to be part of a family.. 😪 Naira:wow I'm sorry you never got to experience it. Stone:yeh you must love have a family and a pack that's has your back all the time. Naira:*opens eyes wide open is surprise meant* family isn't fun or loving like others.. Stone: really but you look so happy here? Naira:yeh it looks like that but my parents are mean and cruel well mainly my dad is... so is my pack I never had real friends here. Stone:oh I guess we both want real families and friends. Naira:mhm yeh..hey how about we hang out a bit here. Stone:what about your pack coming back and killing me? Naira:one thing I like about my pack they go hunting for hours especially today there taking longer than Ever. Stone:ok then awesome ^^ Naira:*smiles back*^^ *hours later of laughter* Stone:wow today was awesome! I really enjoyed it. Naira:yeh same. Stone:this was literally the best day of my life. i wish it can never end! Naira:great times like this are hard to find especially for us. Stone:yeh.. :) *wolf noises in the background*
Naira:wow finally there back they've been gone since the morning. Stone:well that's my que hey uh thank you..for an amazing day. Naira:*smiles*see you tomorrow *smiles nervously* Stone:ya. Naira:bye. Stone:bye..

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