Chapter 2

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Sis is born
Wren:*Gasps*Stone:Oh hey Hun! Come meet your little sister.Wren:Sista? Naira:yah come see.Stone:Well nurse it was possible.😏 Nurse:Hehe yes.*Gasps*oh my.Stone:What is it?Nurse:I forgot to tell you this when she came out I scanned her and,well...She's part dog...Stone:What?!How?!Nurse:I-I have no idea,I guess it happens with genetics and ancestors or something.Do you or your wife have any any family that's dog?or even part dog?Stone:hmm not that I know of,I don't even remember any of my family members.but did you did you tell Naira about this?Nurse:Yes she knows,and it looks like now your other pup knows now to hehe.Wren:Yay a dog sis!Stone:So Hun whatcha gonna name her?Naira:Hmmm I'll let you decide.Stone:Wow really thanks Hun.Hm let's name her..oh!how about "Norway"Naira:Wow Hun I didn't know you could come up with such beautiful names. ^^Stone:mhm^^.Naira:I love it.Wren:Me too!Ima wuv my new sis!Naira:Hehe I'm glad.
Guys!I'm so sorry!I never explained how the parents looked,or how anyone looked!so here you go.
Norway is light yellow with gray markings from Wrens dad.She has gray ring markings all on her paws almost touching the bottom.she also has a touch of white markings.(very light white)

Stone is all light grey(Kinda)with darker grey markings and 2 white ring markings almost touching the end of all his paws.

Naira looks a lot like wren she has brownish golden fur and a small maroon strip line on her forehead.She also has 2 maroon colored rings almost touching the end of each paw.Shes almost simple but not really.

Wren has the exact colors of her mother but a bit darker,she has a white chest going all the way down,and maroon ring markings all the way up to her arms.she has very ancient looking markings.I can't really explain but she's covered in Markings! Lol.
Fritz is dark brown and dark green.and also can't really explain his markings XD but his rings are also like stones but expect dark green.
The nurse which her name is "Dorthy" is mostly white with baby blue markings and baby blue rings almost touching her paws.
Molly is purple and pink with purple rings at the bottom of her paws (Also can't explain her markings Xd)if only I had digital art of them.
Ivy is very light green with a touch of white with green rings.(Ugh can't explain markings!!!!)
Leina is a very beautiful wolf indeed with very nice shades of light blue and dark blue.She looks like she was made by stars!!lol.
Rowan is black and white.(OMG can't explain markings!!!!!!!)but indeed a very handsome wolf.XD he will get his rings soon..omg spoilers sorry..!(you don't have to read this part...)
I'm not gonna explain the guards because (Why?)lol.
Ramy is black and dark grey it looks like she's a full black wolf tho..her rings are black.
Dime is full black XD with one light grey strip down his back.XD geez so many grays...
Whelp that's all folks!now you know what they look like!
Oh and sphere was brown and light brown,and white.XD can't explain cri...
Oh yeh your probley wondering why they all have rings well you'll find out soon later on in da story!

Wren:Hey Ramy how's-...Ramy:Hehe cmon lil brother!hehe "Dime":Womimg sissy!Wren:Hey wanna p-"Right here I thought I just lost my only friend...She was so into her little brother now.She just..Walked right past me like she didn't even know I was there.Maybe she isn't a lot like my father after all..."Hmm I guess not.*Walks over to her den*momma is sissy ready to pway yet?Naira:Sorry Hun not yet,2 more days left or more if she needs.Wren:Awww..Naira:Why don't you go play with Ramy and her little brother,or Molly and her friends for now.Wren:Well I'll try...*Walks out*huh.?*Guards bring a pup in*Litco:Sir we found this pup close to camp.Stone:Is he from the "Red Dust Pack?" Ramp:No sir we sniffed him and he seems to be pack less.Stone:Hmm well then put him next to the tree while we find out where he's from.Ramp:Yes sir,alright pup stay here and don't move."hm..I noticed the pup was really quiet..I wonder why..."Wren:Hm..*Wren & pup make eye contact*Naira:Wren!!dinner time!!Wren:C-coming mother!*Runs to den*mother did you see the pup they brought in!Naira:A pup?hun,stay away from those rouge pups they could be dangerous.Wren:Weally?Naira:Yes,now I don't want to see you around the pup anymore got it?Wren:Yes momma..I won't get close to the puppy anymore if he's dangerous.Naira:Good.Here eat now,it's your favorite!buffalo ribs!Wren:Yum!!

"I run around here just playing with an acorn..all lonely..I had no pup to talk to,or to play with."*Acorn rolls to the rouge pup*Wren:Oh no!Pup:Hm?*Sees wren run up*Uh Hewo ish this yours?Wren:Uh yesh sowy for rolling it over here.Pup:Nah ish okie.Here Wu go.Wren:Thank Wu.*^^Pup:Your welcome.^^._.Wren:Momma momma! I tal-oh no I can't tell her..She will get mad!Maybe not tell her then..Oh hey sis!Wanna pway!Norway:Oh sowy sis I was going to pway wit Ramy and her brober.Wren:Oh,well..That's okie...Norway:Okie thank Wu!see ya Lata! Wren:Yah heh..😔Oh well then bye..*sighs*"Wow can't believe it.My sister to!"huh?Litco:Alright pup,our alpha said you can Rome around camp.But no leaving.*Walks away*Pup:Oh hey you!Wren:Hm?Pup:Hewo again!Wren:Hewo. Pup:I never got your name?Wren:Oh my name ish "WrenWood" but wolves call me "Wren"Pup:Oh nice name!Wren:Hehe thanks.Pup:My name ish "Rowan"Wren:Nice to meet you Rowan.Rowan:Nice to meet you to.:)hey you seem lonely,and have no other pup to play with.would you like to play with me?Wren:Uh Weally?...Sure!Ill wuv to pway wit Wu!Rowan:Okie dokie follow meh.*Minutes later*ok,this is a game I like to call "Leap Frog"Wren:Ooooh how we pway?Rowan:I'll show you!Its pretty easy.Ish there any big lakes around here?Wren:Uhh yah.theres umm..One right in front of us.. ._.Rowan:Ah!"Wow great Rowan great!!"Wren:And there's loads of huge lakes around here!Rowan:Wows.Mk this ish a perfect lake to play in!It has all the things we need for leap frog! =)Ok so you see lily pads.Wren:Yah?Rowan:Ok now we have to find a frog to chase on the lily pad.Like hop on lily pad to lily pad while the frog is trying to get away from us!get it?Wren:Yep!"Maybe..heh.."Rowan:Ok good,now we wait for a froggy to magically appear...Bingo!!Wren:Wait I thought we playin leap frog?Rowan:No!Bingo!the frog!XD cmon!Wren:Oh haha!!*They chase the frog*"Wow I can't believe I actually played with a pup! XD"Man we were laughing so hard!!!"*Back at camp*Wren:Wow!!Tat was the best time of my LIFE!!Rowan:Same here!!*smile*Naira:Wren!!time for bed!!Wren:Coming momma!Well see ya tomorrow!Rowan:Yeh,so we hang tomorrow again?Wren:Sure!No probwem!:) Rowan:) See ya!Wren:*Runs to den*Hey sis!Norway:Oh hey!Sowy about today..I hope you didn't feel weft out..I mean wu could've played with ush if you wanted two.. Wren:Nah!Ish okie! I was pwaying wit another pup!Norway:oh ok!:) Wren:So we having dinner tonight?Norway:Uhhh don't think so.Wren:Awe..Naira:Hello pups.both:Hi mommy!!Naira:hmhm bed time cmon.Wren:Um momma where's daddy?Naira:Don't worry he's coming in a min.Wren:Oh ok night night sis and momma!*Wren lays next to Norway*Zzzz.... Stone:Hey Hun I'm home,girls asleep.Naira:Yep,hmm wren seemed really happy for some reason.Stone:Haha she's always a happy pup,Naira:yeh..*Sigh*Stone:What's wrong Hun?Naira:Nothing..I just wish an old friend could've saw them..they would've loved him..Stone:*Sigh*yeah..but it's ok,he's always still with us in our hearts.Naira:Yeh I guess your right..well good night Hun..Stone:Night...

Wren:*Yawn*"Hm I felt weird today..I felt like I grew over the night..a lot!!"num num...morning sissy,Norway:Morning, whelp I'ma go pway wit Ramy and Dime see ya sis!Wren:See ya!Now,time to go play wit Rowan!!hmm hey Rowan!!Rowan:Oh heya Wren!Wren:So what we gonna do today!Rowan:I heard that the birds are feeding at the plains near by.Wren:Oohhh yeh I'm ready..lets do this!!*AT  THE SMALL PLAINS*Rowan:*pokes head out of bushes* ok..,we have to be very very silent, and on the count of 3 we will jump out and scare them away..Wren:Mhm got it!...Rowan:Ok ready..? 1...2...and 3!!!GO!!both:AHHH!!!*chasing birds*Wren:Weeee!!! Go away birds!!haha!Rowan:Yah!this is our land!!!haha!"Man was Rowan the best friend I've ever had.I look at him smiling he's so happy.Its like he completes my life."*out of mind*huh?Rowan:Wren!!!look out!!Wren:Wa-?*slips*AHHHHH!!!Rowan:Argh!!got cha!*grabs by scruff*Wren:*heavily breaths*Rowan pulls her up*Rowan:Wren are you ok?!Wren:*heavily breaths*y-yah..Rowan:*panting*Wow,I-I thought I was really gonna lose you.Wren:*looks at him*thank you for S-saving me..I've would've been dead if you weren't here.Rowan:No problem,I couldn't risk losing my best friend.^-^ Wren:Really?Rowan:Heh of course,your the nicest and funniest pup I've ever met.:) Wren:Same to you. ^^ Rowan:Cmon lets go back to camp now.*They walk back to camp* ???:grrr...*watches them threw bushes*runs three forest back to camp*Sir.."Rakshar:"What is is Rambo..Rambo:I was watching them. I saw the pup..Rakshar:*opens eyes widely*.
Awww yeh!finally chapter 2 is out!I'm sorry for you guys that were waiting for a long time Xc whelp it does start to get juicier here ^^ whelp wait for chapter 3 now!!ill see you guys in a bit! Hi Zianne!! Again XD if your reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2017 ⏰

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