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a/n: damn that song inspires me for like a serial killer or assassin fanfiction that I'll probably never write also not edited by any means so excue any mistakes etc please

With a mask and his favourite black beany covering most of his face and hair Yoongi walked to the apartment of his hyung.

The bruise on his face- that had multiple times changed it colours over the last few hours into a dark blue purple and on some parts even seeming close to a black that faded into several shades of green, yellow and red- felt sore and he flinched everytime the cold wind hit him in his sensitive face.

It was not winter yet and most people were wearing coats half as thick as Yoongi's but still he was the one who was about to freeze to death.

He hadn't met Jiyong in years and yet he could still feel his slender hands ruffle through Yoongi's hair in a loving way with his signature grin on display.

He could still remember the times he had pulled Yoongi into comforting embraces when all his younger brother could do was cry into the other's shoulder.

Jiyong had been the one to first know about Yoongi being gay, had accepted him, had been so proud of him for having the guts to tell someone about it.

He had also been the one who had asked Yoongi about how his boyfriend was doing in front of their father, outing him in a matter of seconds.

Had been the one who had a blank expression on his face as their father screamed, yelled, humiliated Yoongi.

Jiyong hadn't done a thing. Had just let it happen. Probably satasfied for having thrown the little prince of the family from his pedestal.

Because the moment that happened Jiyong became the star of the family once again even when he left them behind and moved to Seoul to follow his dreams.

And Yoongi?

It had been the beginning of his ultimate downfall.
He had cursed his brother had hated him.

....had tried to hate him and yet he couldn't.

He loved the older still...just as much as he always had.

There was resentment and some boiling agression deep deep inside him which had been the reason for Yoongi not contacting him in so long.

Now however.... as he had reached the lowest of lows, as he had lost his friends, his lover, his everything, and as Jiyong's replacement, Jin, had ultimately made clear how much he hated Yoongi's guts Jiyong was the only one he could turn to.

The only one he could give a final hug, one final thank you for keeping up with his bullshit for so long.

Slowly he approached the door of the apartment complex his older brother lived in. It was one of the more rich looking ones with gold and marble decorating it's interior in a modest and unobtrusive way...or as modest as gold and all that fancy shit can seem anyway.

Yoongi made his way towards the elevator and punched in his brother's personalised keycode 933988, a sign of how fucking sentimental his brother could be sometimes.

It was good for Jiyong that them being brothers hadn't been revealed yet or sasaengs would have been able to enter his safe haven penthouse apartment would have been conquered a long time ago.

Yoongi could feel the elevator ascend smoothly and he could feel his tense muscles finally relax a little bit.
The cold metal of its walls pressed against his back and his reflection glared at him through the giant mirrow.

He pinched at his chubby cheeks when he saw how fat he looked.
Not as skinny as he wished to be and surely not as skinny as his stylist wanted him to be, to finally fit into the pants without the woman stare at him with a frown distorting her delicate features.

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