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Jungkook felt a hand settle down gently on his tense shoulder and another one softly carding through his tousled hair while tugging at it slightly to make him look up.

As he did, tears once again immediately started to stream down his cheeks, his eyes already puffy and irritated.

Taehyung gave him a sympathetic look as he knelt down slightly and pulled the younger into his arms.
Having his boyfriend next to him took away some of Jungkook's fear.

However there was still so much sadness coursing through him that the relief was only temporary.
Even with Taehyung and the others around him all he could think about was the picture of a pale Yoongi getting lifted onto the stretcher.

Yoongi's breathing becoming more and more shallow.

Yoongi with blood wetting the sleeves of his favourite hoodie.

Yoongi lying there as if he was just sleeping peacefully, as paramedics were hurriedly trying to find out what he did to attempt suicide.

People opening pulling back his eyelids to look at Yoongi's dark brown eyes.

Words like gastric suction, naloxone...words Jungkook never heard of before, had been mentioned as they had started to treat Yoongi on their way to the hospital.

Relief.....yet he was still so scared.

That was all he could think about as Taehyung, Jimin, Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok bombarded him with millions of questions.

He didn't even get half of them.
It felt as if he was surrounded by a little bubble of water that made it impossible for him to hear them, or like a massive soundproof wall seperating Jungkook from them.

Once again the movement of Taehyung's hands led him out of his thoughts.

"Jungkookie, please, you have to tell us what happened. You are scaring us. It can't be that bad, right? Just tell us what is wrong mmh?"
A small smile played on his boyfriend's lips.

Jungkook looked up at the other, his lip wobbling slightly, eyebrows furrowed in disbelief while his fingernails dug into his thighs to keep him at least somewhat calm.

"Not that bad huh..... Yoongi is .... he attempted suicide, hyung! I fucking found him on a rooftop, barely breathing, barely even alive! HE FUCKING TRIED TO KILL HIMSELF TAEHYUNG!" Jungkook bursted out in tears as he curled up.

He heard gasps around himself, could hear words of protest from Namjoon, could hear sobbing.

He could feel Taehyung's hands retreating as he stumbled backwards in shock.
Jungkook knew it was unfair of him to lash out on the other like this, especially with the topic of suicide.

Just a few months ago he had lost a childhood friend because of the same reason. And now....to hear the same news again.....he could see the way his boyfriend slid down on the floor, eyes opened wide, fingers tugging at his hair harshly.

The older started to wail as if he was in pain which made Jungkook feel even more upset.

He knew he should apologise. How could he though? It wouldn't change the situation they were in, in any way.
They were utterly helpless, had to watch doctors and nurses running around  hectically without telling them how their friend, close as an older brother to most and as a younger brother to Jin, was doing.

The same answer on repeat.
No proper answer possible as long as he is taken care of it they are no family members.

Finally, as their managers appeared they became more willing to give them a reply.

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