
14 1 0

I keep going, cos life has never taught me how to quit. Maybe, just maybe it'd be fun, to peer. Peer into what, and how it would've been, and felt like, if I had it all. I hear people talk about, "we all have problems".
Yeah though, but let's rub it in each others faces and see which hurts the most. Let's exchange the sourness, with the sweetness, and the bitterness, with the bitterless. People change, just so they can fit in, they say. So they can" Figure it out", seems a better word. People wouldn't "want"to fit in if, everyone was satisfied with each other.Why would a girl, go to the scary length, of injecting herself with substances, she knows nothing about, if society just embraces how she looks?Why would they batter themselves to look better, if you dont judge em? Why do people even get pissed,NOWADAYS when you tell them"oh you're growing fat"? WHY CANT WE ALL JUST BE COMFORTABLE IN OUR OWN SKINS?? WHY DO WE HAVE TO MEET CERTAIN PEOPLE'S IDEA OF PERFECT, WHEN WE ARE JUST PENCILS, BEING TRACED OUT, AGAINST OUR WILL? WHY DO WE HAVE TO ACCEPT AND EMBRACE THE INSOLENCE? This world has now outlined certain pieces, of gibberish. Where you're supposed to meet a certain standard, to be considered "whole". When you judge, and pilfer others, and crown yourselves kings and queens of perfection ÀÖÄ ? 8 6 ÿÿ

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