The next time somebody tells me

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The next time somebody tells me that "I am not good enough"

I will take a fashion magazine and tape it to their eyes

That way every moment of their day

They will see that there are people who spend their whole lives

trying to be "good enough"

Every day, there are people

who drown themselves in makeup

bathe in societal standards

just to get a millimeter closer

to perfect

an ounce closer

to "good enough"

The next time somebody tells me that "My life sucks."

I will give them a glass

of a starving child tears

and tell them to swim

in an ocean of that starving childs faith

Maybe then they can taste

what struggles taste like

and drown in inspiration

maybe then, their life won't really suck

The next time somebody tells me that "I am alone."

I will tape their hands to mine

I'll give them an umbrella, and run outside

I'll tell jesus to turn on the clouds

because when it rains

raindrops are never alone

I'll tell them "You are a raindrop"

and we will rain together

like a storm

of optimism and hope and strength

Isn't it wierd

how someone always has it harder?

But isn't it beautiful

how I'll always be there?

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