Prompt - Bait

332 21 7

Pairing: Elizabeth, Jack, The Kraken

Word Count: 150

Prompt: Bait

Upon looking toward the sea, there appeared to be something dark and menacing traveling within the depths - a creature so unlike anything alive that Elizabeth almost doubted if she were truly awake at that moment.

There was no turning back. Her plans had been executed; the trap was set, bait skillfully positioned, and sacrifices made. More importantly, the monster wouldn't be inclined to advance again.

It was victory at a price, because ultimately, nothing came without one. Another lesson learned, practiced, and dually noted.

At last, the beast gradually approached the bait and the Pearl began to move. The sun shone so bright that she could distinctly see it open its jaws and take him in.

Their captain.

Her captain.


He must have escaped, she thought – hoped, even.

Though she remained quite motionless, hugging herself, knowing that watching from afar would be the easiest part of it all.

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