Just another week ver. 1

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This is. The first ver of the story cause of I have two ideas for this request thx for understanding - lovehurts out

"Come on K.O your father will be here it five minutes!"
I sigh as I finished packing my things, my father the most "dangerous" villain of time Dr venomous was never even a second late to pick me up.
"Coming mommy!!"
I bolt to the front door and look out.
"K. Sweetheart he's not here yet."
I look at her, she looked quite nervous and had a right to be. Dad was kind to me but yet he wished for me to be a villain, not a hero. His servant fink on the other hand was mean.
"He's here Mom I love you."
   I quickly hop out the door, and bolt to the car if I wasn't quick enough fink would take the front seat.   opening the door I was greeted with fink in the back in a car seat,
   "Hello son I put fink in  a seat so she wouldn't take your spot."
   I smile and slip into the front seat, while fink growled.  I chuckled lightly fink was loyal to Dad no doubt,But had a harder time being kind to others.    Looking out the window I spot Mom watching out the window. I wave, she smiles and waves back.
  " So K.O how is school?"
Dad seemed a bit more tense today, he pulled the shift stick into drive, we pull off of the curb.
"Good I got a A+ in math and a B+ in English!"
He smiles lightly, fink snarled in the back.
"I can get an A+ any day!!"
Dad rolled his eyes, I laughed.
"Also I have a job!!"
Dad slammed the breaks.
He looks at me shock evident in his eyes.
"Yeah I work at lakewood plaza as a helper for the Bodega!!!"
A car honked and drove around us,
"Learn how to drive moron!"
I let out low growl and fink snarled, Dad let off the break and started driving again.
"That's so rude!"
I shifted in my seat and readjusted my seatbelt, I  heard fink struggling in her seat.
"Boss let me out i want to pound those idiots!"
"No fink you'll take K.O's seat and most likely shove him out the door."
Dad responds his eyes never leaving the road.
I growled lightly as something stirred inside me, anger? It couldn't be... I wasn't mad a bit flustered but not mad.
"You alright son?"
I sighed " yeah Dad I'm just a bit flustered."
He laughed, "you flustered!? Ha!"
I smiled lightly as we pull into the driveway, Dad got out and unbuckled fink.
I slide out of the car and slip my backpack on, I ran up to the door.
   I blink Dad was walking next to fink,.
      "I have a gift for you!"
  He smiles lightly and hands me a box he opens  the door and I walk in quickly dashing into my room.
I settle my backpack onto my bed and open the box, inside contained a medium sized robot puppy and a charging station that looked like a bed. I smile and turn it on.
Settling it onto the ground it blinks and looks up at me.
It barks and wags it's tail,
"I think I'll call you sparky."
I kneel down and pat him on the head. Dad walks in,
"See not every week with me is bad."

Ok k.o one shots Where stories live. Discover now