REWRITE - Chapter 4

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The next few days past by quickly. Monika surprised me by telling mom and dad that she wanted me to 'borrow' her old car. In reality, she was letting me have it. They just didn't need to know that. After all, the golden child shouldn't give her car to the family joke.

Driving that car back to school to start my senior year sure gave me a crazy feeling. Her car was crazy nice, I guess my car now.

The looks I got from both humans and wolves sent my head spinning. Everyone was looking at me, this is new. Normally no one, not even the teachers, looked my way. Now every set of eyes gravitated towards me.

Did I go too far with the outfit maybe? Monika suggested I wear tight black jeans and a tight baby blue tank top with spaghetti straps. I added a grey cardigan that fell off my shoulders a bit because it was slightly cool outside, but not cold enough for a jacket.

I was slightly annoyed by the way my bag hung on my shoulder. I couldn't pull up my cardigan to cover my shoulder back up. Then I remembered Monkia scolding me for wanting to do that and telling me the more skin I left out, the better.

So I tried to ignore it.

I pulled out my library slip as I walked through the front door and got into the small lineup for text books. Most people get this done later in the day rather than first thing. First thing they all liked to do is talk to their friends and catch up if they didn't see each other all summer.

I don't have any friends, so that wasn't on my to-do list.

I didn't get any weird looks in the library, most people in there were trying to hide themselves rather than pay any attention to me, which was a nice change from outside.

After that I went and claimed my locker, threw all my supplies inside, and made my way to my homeroom. That dreaded place that I have had to go in every morning for the last three years. Just one more year.

With my luck, there was no sign hint of Chad yet, it was so nice, but I knew it won't last. He would pop out of the crowds eventually.

I decided that in homeroom I would change my usual seat next to the door - for a fast escape - and take a window seat so I could enjoy looking outside.

"Hi I'm Libby!" A cheery voice startled me as a girl plopped herself down into the seat in front of me. I jumped a little but blinked at her. She looked unfamiliar.

"I'm Tori," I replied. "Are you new?"

"I am! How did you guess?" She looked a little afraid. Blushing and hiding her face behind her blanket of black hair a bit.

I raised an eyebrow curiously, was that how I used to look. No wonder I agitated Monika so much. "I don't recognize you, and you're actually talking to me so I figured we've never been to school together before."

Now she looked concerned. "Does no one usually talk to you? Did you piss some people off? Because you're really pretty and I didn't think you'd actually speak to me today..."

I laughed a little and rolled my eyes at her comment. Then I went digging through my purse to find my school ID card from last year and handed it to her. "This was me before the summer."

Her eyes widened in surprise. "Okay now I get it, you're like me.

"You can be like me, ya know?"

She blushed and hid herself again. "No I don't think I could. You radiate confidence already. That's just impossible for me."

"I had an awesome teacher," I pushed more. "Trust me, I think you and I are going to be the best of friends."

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