REWRITE - Chapter 18

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Monika and Michael left on Friday. Monika cried more than when I left her house after the summer. She complained that we didn't hang out enough, but she was always out with her friends when I wasn't at school so that wasn't my fault.

Spencer and Libby then showed up at my house after Monika was gone. I was excited to get out while my mom was hounding on me about Chad. She had waited until Monika was gone to ask me about it. I couldn't escape her until they showed up and invited me out because something exciting was happening.

They also told me to bring extra clothes, which was weird.

Spencer drove his truck to the Alpha house then followed a road behind it into the forest. This was a place I'd never been to before. The forest eventually thinned out and opened into a field that was hidden.

"When did this get here?" I asked and Spencer laughed.

"Wait, you've never been here?"

I frowned, "no..."

He looked a little sad after that, "well then, welcome to the training field."

We all hopped out and walked over to the groups of people who were milling about. When we reached the crowd, Alpha Davis saw me and smiled excitedly. "Ah, there she is! Tori, I want to introduce you to some people!"

I looked at Spencer alarmed, he looked back at me just as surprised. I hope he didn't bring me here to be ambushed.

Alpha Davis then put his arm around my shoulders and dragged me over to a small circle of men. Stupid Alpha strength otherwise I could have held myself back from being dragged over. "Tori these are some alphas from neighbouring packs. There's Freddie, Jacob, Oscar, and Harry. Everyone, please meet Chad's mate, Miss. Tori."

"Whoa, wait," I ripped myself from his grip, he seemed surprised that I acted out against his introduction. There was a weird feeling in my chest and in my stomach as soon as I got around these men. "You do not introduce me like that."

Alpha Davis frowned at me. "It's the truth."

I held up my hands in defense, "I am not putting a label like that on myself. Not after what your son did to me. He and I are not mates and never will be."

This made Alpha Davis get mad. Very mad. If this were a cartoon, he would have steam coming out of his ears.

One of the other Alphas stepped in between us and the weird feeling in my stomach got bigger. "George, let the girl live."

Alpha Davis looked even angrier at the other Alpha, "do not get between my pack and I."

"She can come to join my pack then if she wants," the other alpha smirked at me and then winked.

I stood frozen staring at this other alpha. He wasn't older like Alpha Davis. He was young like me. He honestly couldn't be that much older than me. The other three - older - alphas then helped Alpha Davis away from me and towards where Chad was with a bunch of other people.

"Are you alright?" This alpha then asked me, "I'm Alpha Miller, but you can call me Freddie."

I smirked, "Freddie?"

He shrugged, "my parents thought it was cute when I was little."

Was he ever that little? This alpha had muscles galore. He was far more defined than Chad and instead of sandy blond hair, he had a deep brown and thick. He was actually super cute. "I'm just Tori. No other title or anything else added to my name." He held out his hand to shake and I shook it.

There was a tingle that made us both jump back from each other and stare at one another with curiosity.

"Did you feel that too?" He asked so quietly that I almost didn't hear him.

I slowly nodded my head, "do you have a mate?"

He stared at me for a long moment but then Spencer and Libby came up with a couple of Spencer's other friends and interrupted us. "Tori! C'mon lets go grab a seat before it starts!" Libby and Spencer then grabbed my arms and started to pull me away from Freddie.

I glanced back and he had also disappeared, so I frowned as my only two friends pulled me away. What is going on?


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