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Eunha's pov.

"Please excuse me. I have to use the bathroom." The man sitting across from me says before he sets his napkin down. A small laughter could be heard from somewhere, but I was too embarrassed to see who it was. All of my blind dates have been this way and I knew this man wasn't coming back either.

My mother didn't know that they left, but I told her that I was the one who left because they weren't the 'one'. I sat silently, eating my food before asking for another drink.

Right when I received my drink, a different man sat across from me. I was shocked to see a very attractive man, who may have the wrong table. "Um sir, I think yo-" "Shhh." He says and glares at someone before nearly scowling. He has long, curly, pitch black hair and weirdly symmetrical features.

"Say something." He says and tilts his head. "Who are you?" I asked, hoping he would be the actual blind date that I was supposed to meet instead of the one who ran away. "I'm Kim Taehyung." He says so friendly, that it almost makes me feel as if we've known each other for a long time.

"Are you my real blind date?" His eyes widened just before he got up and walked out of the restaurant. What the-

My eyebrows furrowed as I found myself following him. Just when I thought I should stop, the sound of punches and muffled screams could be heard in the alley. Thinking it was him who was in trouble, I grabbed my pepper spray and got ready to spray the attacker.

Jumping out to see who it was, a man in a hat and a mask was holding a bloody knife, but there was no body and no Taehyung. My eyes widened as the can fell out of my hands and the attacker looked at me. "What are you doing?" I was pushed against the wall and still shocked at the scene, there were no words coming out of my mouth.

"Why were you following me?" He questions and I gulped. "I-I don't know." He scoffs and let's me go. "Well don't ever do that again. Hopefully this is the last time we see each other." A black car pulls up and Taehyung leaves inside of it.

Getting back to my senses, I shook my head and ran back to the restaurant, completely forgetting to pay. "I'm so sorry. How much was the meal?" The waiter looks at me confused and looked at the check. "That man already paid for your meal ma'am." I tilted my head in confusion.


Kicking my shoes off next to my apartment door, I lied in bed next to my puppy, Nini. She looks at me with one of her eyes opened. "Today was very unusual Nini." I said, itching behind her ear. Her nose twitched as I took a deep breath, remembering what had happened today.

Nini whimpered before I got up. "I'm just getting your food." I said to her and walked to my kitchen to fill her bowl up with the last remains of the dog food in the bag. "Man, I have to buy you more food. Look Nini." I said, showing her the bag that was empty. Before pouring water for her, I went to my room to put on something more comfortable and getting her leash so when she's done eating we could go buy some dog food.


When she was done eating, I put on her leash and walked outside to the store. Since it was getting a little late, they let me bring in my dog. "Hm...beef or chicken?" I asked her and squatted down, looking at the different brands of dog food.

She had beef already so I decided on getting her chicken. Deciding on finding a snack for myself, I got grapes and potato chips to eat while I watch TV.

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