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I looked around the lobby very awkwardly, trying not to make eye contact with people walking around. It wasn't hard for me to go unnoticed considering that I have a Nini sleeping on the ground right next to me. Jimin told me to wait for him since it's his lunch time and he doesn't want me to leave alone.

After about 5 minutes of waiting, Jimin speedwalked out of the elevator towards me. "Sorry for making you wait long. Let's go." He grabs Nini's leash that was on the chair, walking ahead of me. "Where do you want to eat?" He asks while pulling out his keys to his car and pushing a button to unlock it. "It doesn't matter." I reply and he hums. "Subway it is."

During our drive, Jimin kept repeatedly asking if I was in pain from the small scrape and I had to explain to him that I was alright. Once we made it to subway, we rolled the windows down for Nini since she isn't allowed in the restaurant and let her sleep while we quietly got out. "Get us a table while I order for us." I rolled my eyes and nodded while sitting at the table in the middle. The sound of the bell ringing, meaning someone entered, caught my attention as a tall man with silver hair that looked like he just woke up, even though he managed to look good.

I'm not going to lie, I was checking the man out. How could you not? He had beautiful tanned skin, muscular arms with his black shirt that made him look like an actual goddess and those skinny blue jeans that perfectly shaped his thick thighs.

While in my trance, Jimin probably noticed what was going on when he came back as he cleared his throat to gather my attention away from the beautiful man with beautiful plump lips and dimples. "Here's your cup. Go get yourself a drink." I nodded and stood up, making the chair sqeak with an unpleasant sound. My cheeks turned pink in embarrassment as I probably caught the goddesses attention, but I was too afraid to look his way.

When I finally got my drink, it was the perfect excuse to sneak a glance at the man, but unfortunately he wasn't sitting at any of the tables. While looking around in confusion, I jumped as a deep voice spoke behind me. "Can I get italian bread?" I bit the inside of my cheek as I noticed that my hand was shaking. What the hell? I was probably standing here for awhile as the man's voice was beside me.

"Ma'am, your cup is over flowing." My eyes widened as I gasped and looked at my cup that already had sprite spilling from it. "Shit." I pulled it away and poured some of it out. The goddess giggled as I put a top on my cup. "S-Sorry about that." His smile was beautiful. "S'all fine." I gulped and felt my face get hot as I grabbed my cup and made my way to Jimin that was on his phone. "What took you so long?" Once he turned around, he gasps when seeing the man at the soda machine. "Were you talking to that man? What did he say?" I rolled my eyes the nth time today at Jimin's overprotective side. "You seriously need to get a girlfriend." I said while grabbing my cup to take a sip, but I forgot the straw. "You forgot a straw!" Jimin laughed to which I scowled at him.

While trying to get up, I stopped mid way as the goddess appeared in front of me. "I was going to tell you that you didn't grab a straw, but you left before I could say anything. I love my sea animals so heres a medal one." My lips parted as he hands me the straw and winks. "Excuse me, I think plastic is fine." Jimin says while trying to hand him back the medal straw but I took it away from him. "Thank you so much." He smiles at me before glancing at Jimin and walking to his seat.

"What the hell Jimin?!" I whispered with a glare coming his way. "Who knows what he could've done with that straw!? I was only trying to protect you." I scoffed. "Sometimes you need to chill and understand that people can be nice sometimes." I explained. "Nice my ass! Just because something happens to be nice, doesn't mean that it'll have a nice outcome." I shake my head in denial. "Just drink from the cup please. I'll buy you a medal straw if you want one so bad." He pushes me my sandwich and takes the straw away from me. "You're being a brat." I muttered and he chuckles. "And you're a rat, now eat."

Taking a bite of my sandwich, he continues to mock me and tease me, trying to find ways to annoy me. "So are you thinking about any jobs you want? You could be a lawyer. Or a baker!" He says excitedly. "First off, I would have to go to law school for that and second, I'll probably eat the cakes and have to pay back for every one I eat." He laughs and shakes his head. "I was thinking of an assistant." He looks at me in confusion. "An assistant? For what?" I shrug my shoulders. "For a company or something. I don't know." He hums while thinking.

"I could ask my boss if he needs an assistant!" He says while leaning against the table in excitement. Working with my brother did not sound fun. "Why at your company?" I complain while massaging my temple. "Come on! It'll be fun. Actually, office work isnt fun, but you'll get to see me!" I laugh sarcastically. "Are you serious? Jimin!" He gives me sad eyes and he pushes his bottom lip out. Looking into his eyes, it actually looks like he was about to cry and it made my heart ache. "What the hell? Are you actually crying-"

He blinks as the tear falls while putting his hands together, pleading. "Fine. Just stop. You look like a fool." He quickly wipes away the tear and throws his hands up in excitement. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" I roll my eyes and point my finger at him. "That doesn't mean I'll get the job though so don't have so much hope." He laughs for a small second before looking me straight in the eyes. "I'm pretty sure you'll get the job. He doesn't have an assistant anyway."

When we were done eating, we threw away our trash, and I didn't miss that the goddess was still sitting at his table, his food untouched and his cup dripping with water down the sides. I didn't think much of it as we left. Jimin had to go back to work so he dropped us off at my apartment, telling me to be safe and then finally driving off when I made it to my door.

Nini looked too tired so I took her leash off and kissed the top of her head and let her run to her bed while I go fill up her bowl with food and water so when she wakes up, she won't be whining. Making my way to my room, I closed the door and threw myself on my bed.

My mind was taken over by the three beautiful men that I've ran into this passed week. That one Taehyung guy, the red head guy, and the goddess. How were they even real? Why am I being given the chance to witness such beautiful people walking around? Is this punishment sent from the gods to make me feel horrible about myself? I was probably thinking too much into this as I formed a huge headache. Groaning and burying myself in my blankets, I soon fell into a deep sleep.

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