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"Wait, The Park Jimin, as in my overprotective and annoying big brother can't make it today? This is a first." I exclaimed through a video chat. Jimin obviously pouted that he didn't get to get off early at his job so he could go get coffee with me and walk around the mall. "Yeah but you can't go without me." I rolled my eyes and folded my arms. "You can't really stop me behind a camera now can you?" He smacks his lips and gives me an irratated look. "Eunha!" He shouts but apologizes as he looks away which I'm guessing is probably his co-workers glaring at him for being too loud.

"I'll just take Nini with me." I told him and he plays around with the rings on his finger without looking at me and letting his bottom lip hang out. "That's not going to work on me." He groans and slams his fist on the table and again apologizing to his co-workers. "Plea- Oh shit. No-" He shouts and I laugh as soon as our call was ended. He always forgets to charge his laptop. It was a boring day for me and a part of me wanted Jimin to hang out with me today due to me not having friends and lacking social skills to possibly make any. It was fine though because I didn't have to listen to my brother bickering about me not being safe while living alone and for me to move back with our parents.

I moved out because I wanted to be independent and not have to rely on my parents to do stuff for me. Although Jimin is doing exactly the opposite. I should really get him a girlfriend so he won't bother me anymore.

"Nini!" She came wattling out of my room and immediately noticed her leash in my hand to which she raised her head for me to put it on her. Since Nini won't really enjoy walking around the mall I figured I could just go to the park since she hasn't been there lately. "Let's go." I said and locked the door behind us as we got out. It would really be useful if I had a car but I don't really have the money for one and I don't have a job either.

The cafe was really busy today and I really don't do crowded places either. "Ok just breathe." I said to myself before walking in and waiting in the long line. Two kids spotted Nini and came running over to her and Nini let the two pet her. "You guys leave the puppy alone." The woman which I'm guessing is probably their mother. She had a smaller baby in her hands as she apologized. "Uhm no it's um.. fine." Why was that hard to say? Idiot.
The woman smiled at me before she told the boys to hurry before they miss the bus. Nini wagged her tail as the boys waved to her and followed their mother out.

We waited in line for what felt like forever and finally I had got my order in and waited against the window with Nini laying on the ground, taking a nap. "You can have this seat." A man with red hair and a high sense of fashion said with a smile on his face. "Thank you." I said and took the seat he was sitting at. Nini wagged her tail as she looked up at the man and he bends down to pet her. "What's her name?" He asks as I didn't expect him to talk to me. "Oh um Nini." He coos at her as he scratches behind her ears. "She's really cute." He says as he pulls out an ear piece from his ear. Just then my name was called and I want to get my drink, but when I returned the man was no longer there. Nini dragged her leash with her as she walked beside me, waiting for me to pick it up.

Shrugging my shoulders before walking out of the cafe and to the park, Nini smelled the ground as we walked. Couldn't blame her though because she hasn't been on a walk in a long time.

It wasn't exactly peaceful considering that there are a lot of people here with road rage on this particular day. A squierrel caught Nini's attention which yanking me with the leash in my hands. "Stop!" I yell at Nini while stumbling, hitting every corner of a building. "Nini!" I tried to keep up with her but the end of the leash was eventually being dragged behind her. Where as I was on the ground watching as she ran into a bush only to come out with nothing.

"Excuse me!" I heard a familair voice which belonged to my brother. Oh no. We're right in front of the building he works at. "Eunha?" I gave him a guilty smile while looking at the ground. "What the hell are you doing here? Oh god, look at your knee!" He pinches the bridge of his nose before turning around seeing Nini with a small leaf on top of her head. "I fucking told you-"

"It was just this one time. Stop freaking out over something small." I said and he was quick to reply with a scoff. "You're kidding right? There's blood literally dripping down your leg- just go to the bathroom inside." He leads me to the bathroom telling me he'll wait outside completely ignoring the thought of getting back to work. "Eunha? You ok?" He asks. "Jimin, I literally just got in here. It's just a tiny scratch." I exclaimed but it was no use. He always makes a big fuss out of everything and that's Park Jimin for you.

I grabbed a paper towel and wet it while wiping the stream of blood down my leg and holding it in top of the scrape. It didn't hurt much as it wasn't that hard of a fall. "I have a bandaid." Jimin says which makes me chuckle. "Hand it over." He opens the door with his hand over his eyes and holds out the bandaid. "Thanks. What would i do without you?" I asked sarcastically and he replied, "probably not have a bandaid." Before snickering and walking back out.


"Did you get the pictures?"

"Got em."


"I'll have him begging for his life at the end of this."


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