Vision of the Blue Angel

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Ash's P.o.V.

I woke up feeling arms wrapped around me tightly. I looked at Lana and saw her with a stressful look on her face. Maybe she was having the same dream? No it couldn't be. That stuff only happens in movies and books. I tried getting up but forgot that Lana was holding on to me. We both fell out of bed and crashed on to the floor. "Owww... that hurt." Lana grumbled. 

"Ash! What happened!" Kukui ran over to us and saw us lying on the floor on top of each other. "Ash? Care to explain what you and Lana were doing?" 

"It isn't what it looks like!" Yelled Lana. Her face looked the same when I kissed her on accident. "I had no way back home so Ash offered for me to stay the night!"

"Are you sure? Because usually when a boy and girl are in the same bed..." Kukui started.

"No! Nothing like that!" Lana was still red. I wonder why?

"What are you two talking about? I was just letting Lana stay over and since there was only one bed we shared it." I told them.

"Alright then. Anyway hurry and get ready. You may be champion but you still have school today."

"Aw man!"

After getting ready for school Kukui left early leaving me and Lana alone as we walked to the school. 

"Ash can I talk to you?" Asked Lana.

"Sure Lana."

"Well, last night I had this nightmare. Everyone was in danger and not even that Tapus could stop it. Do you think it means anything? 

"I don't think so. It probably was just a bad dream." I comforted her. Although I had the same dream I did not want to worry her. "Come on know Lana! We've got to get to school!" 

When we got there we were immediately greeted by everyone. "Alola everyone!" I greeted.

"Alola Ash! Alola Lana!" 

We all sat down when we saw Kukui walk in. 

"All right class today-" he was cut off by a Pokémon's cry.

"Cele!" A small green Pokémon flew into the classroom. It flew around the class looking around. 

"What is that?" Asked Sophocles. It looked familiar but I couldn't remember what it was. If only Rotom Dex was still here. The image of his destruction flashed into my mind. 

"That's a Celebi!" Yelled Mallow. "But Celebi is native to places like Johto so why is it here?" That was an interesting question. Why was Celebi here? Suddenly it looked over to me and Lana. It flew towards us and touched us. Then everything stopped. I mean everything. I looked around and saw that Lana could move as well. 

"Ash what's happening?" She asked

"I'm not sure but I think Celebi has something to do with it." I replied.

"Correct, Ash. Celebi is the cause of this." Said a female voice.

"Who's there?" Asked Lana.

"Well I'm uh, how do I put this? I'm from the future basically. My name is Nanette." The voice's owner stepped out from behind the class door. A girl with blue hair, brown eyes and glasses. "Thank you Celebi. Now anyway like I said I'm from the future. In the future I'm from I'm one of the last few humans left."

"Wait I remember you! Back in Unova, Iris, Cilan, and I met you when you started your journey!" I yelled. However, Nanette stared blankly at me.

"I have never been to Unova before. This is the first time I've time traveled too. You must have met someone else. Anyway, I'm here to tell you something important. In a few days Arceus will bring judgement to all humans. Except for you two. How and why he choose you is beyond my understanding. Here let me show you what happens." Everything went dark.

I open my eyes and see me and the others sitting at the school. In the distance a giant Tsunami forms and the rest of my dream plays out. Then after we are covered by the golden light the scene changes. We are taken to a shining hall of white and gold. From there we see the entire universe. However it was focused on Earth and the major cities. Various legendary Pokémon were attacking and killing. I looked at one city where what looked like Dialga was. Buildings looked like they were getting older and decayed quickly as if time had sped up. Another city had chunks of buildings ripped out of existence by pink energy beams. The scene changed again. Me and Lana were running and we were both much older, probably in our mid twenties. In Lana's arms was a child wrapped in a blue cloth. A Celebi appeared and Lana handed the child to the Celebi. "Goodbye my Blue Angel." Lana whispered. Then the vision ended.

Once I got control of my senses I immediately asked "How can we stop this?" 

"I'm not sure but all I know is that the survivor group I was a part of before we were attacked gave me this, something they said was with me when they found me as a baby. She handed me a  letter that said "To those of the Past." I opened it and I was a bunch of random letters that appeared to be nothing. 

"Lana do you understand this?" I looked over to her and saw her face red again. She was mumbling something about a baby and words I have never heard before. "Lana what are you mumbling about?" 

"O-oh nothing! Nothing at all sorry! Anyway, what did you need?" She stammered.

"These letters. Do they make sense?" I asked again.

"No not really. Maybe if we asked Sopholcles he would know." We turned towards him but remembered that he was frozen in time. 

"Uh Nanette? Can you- Wait where did you go?" The blue haired girl was gone and time begun to move again.

Oh hey. It's been a while. I've been busy since the last update. Been playing a lot of BotW, Splatoon 2, ARMS and other Switch games. Hopefully I will be able to get more chapters out. Anyway Nanette is here. A time traveler from a really bad future that our heroes will hopefully prevent. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2018 ⏰

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