Osomatsu x Reader Lemon

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What's this?

An update??


*Oso to reader-chan*: Let me smash. Please.

Reader Chan: No Osomatsu. Go find Totoko.

Oso: You want some fuk?

Reader-chan: No. ·-·

Oso: You want some dick?

Reader-chan: Your dick is small.

Oso: Wut?

Reader-chan: I'm leaving. *walks to door*


Y'all don't smash

Oso: What has my life come to? Totoko thought my dick was big. But she's smashing Ben now. Ben is a hoe.

Oso: *has a trantum* fuck this thing. Fuck that. Fuck that hoe Ben. TOTOKO LET ME SMASH!! *has an idea* I'll get a stick! Bitches love sticks!

Oso*hours on end finding sticks*: Stick. Stick. Stick. Stick. FOUND STICK. GOT STICK.  READER-CHAN LET ME SMASH!!

Y'all smash


Idk. It's something lol

Thx to Camii Dee for the idea

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