A Familiar Platform

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After a month of amazing food cooked by Molly and getting mobbed in Diagon Alley, the trio and Ginny are all ready to go back to Hogwarts for there final year. At ten thirty Molly, Arther, Ginny, and the trio apparate to Kings Cross.

"God it feels good to be back here." Harry says when we're all on Platform 9 3/4. We all nod in agreement.

"Sure has been a while." Ron says.

"Yep." Both Ginny and Hermione said at the same time.

They all wait there talking. They see some of the other students of Hogwarts and their parents. Dean and Sheamus wave at them. So do Padam and Pavarti. They also see Draco and his parents. They are also accompanied my Astoria Greengrass and..........Snape. He walks over.

"Hello, Molly. How have you been." Severus asks. 

"We have been well. We got to move into a bigger house." She tells him.

"So I heard. Well, I must be going. Lucius wants me to see Draco off. I don't know why though. I will have to see him the whole year. Goodbye." He walks back to The Malfoys.

"Goodbye Professor." Hermione says.

The train whistle blows. Everyone says one last goodbye and then they get on the train.

Ginny goes and sits with some of her other friends. So Harry, Ron, and Hermione sit alone in their own compartment. For most of the time, they are just staring out the window. This is the first time in a long time and the last time they will see this view.

When they arrive at Hogwarts they are greeted by Hagrid. All three of them hug him.

"Wull, welcome back you three!" He beams at them. "I'll see you at the sorting ceremony."

They get on the carriages and go up to the Grand Castle.

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