14- Waking up

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Nicole's POV 

I used my magic and gave him the severe headache he feel to his knees instantly and screamed he started pounding his hands on the ground. Then he raised his shaking hands to his head and snapped his own neck. Then I snapped all the other minions' necks. Grayson picked up Crystal, and started bringing her over towards me, everyone else followed. Grayson looked up at me,

 "Is she dead?" He asked. I shrugged, I honestly didn't know, but I had a suspicion Jeremy wouldn't let t be that easy for her. Klaus put a hand on his shoulder, 

"Ummm...she isn't, um, before Jeremy snapped her neck I threw him off her and fed her my blood quickly, so she's in transition of being a hybrid. Grayson nodded, I realized in order to complete the transition she would have 24 hours to feed off human blood, I took out my knife quickly and ran to my bag and grabbed a vile

"Here..." I cut myself and dropped some of my blood into vile,

"When she wakes up and makes the decision to become a hybrid give her this, so she won't have to feed off anyone." Klaus nodded and grabbed the vile, I looked at Grayson who was next to Ethan who had his head down. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't know Jeremy would take it this far. And tell Crystal the same thing" Grayson nodded again. But Ethan didn't react. 

"Ethan when I say I'm sorry it includes you too" He finally looks up,

"When I first agreed with Jeremy I thought it was right. But then he started telling me his true intentions which were to kill all of you, which I didn't want. So again I'm sorry and I'm not going to help Jeremy anymore, I'm going to go back to my hometown where my other witch relatives live and stay out of this."

Ethan gave a small and quick smile, I looked over at Jeremy again,

"Ok well I think we need to rap this up before Jeremy wakes up, you can take him with you and lock him up, I know this could be ended right now, but that wouldn't be fair. It would be too painless."  This made them all give an evil smile imagining about the stuff they could do to him. Izzy and the alpha went over and picked up Jeremy. 

"Ok" I grabbed my bag off the ground,

"I guess that's it, good luck! I hope Jeremy gets what he deserves" I waved bye and walked out. 

Crystal's POV

              I quickly jumped up and gasped for air. Omg where am I?! In looked around and took in my surroundings... it looked familiar.....it was my bedroom. Maybe it was just a dream? Maybe we didn't attack Jeremy yet?  I quickly jumped up out of bed and went for the closed door, I guess I shouldn't have got up so quickly because after I did get up and started walking I lost my balance and got light-headed. I leaned onto the wall for a moment. And then continued to the door. I opened the door and went downstairs. Klaus, Ethan, and Grayson were in the living room conversating, I stayed behind the wall and listened to there convo. 

"What if she says no and doesn't want to complete the transition, what if she was ready to die when Jeremy snapped her neck?" I recognized Grayson's voice, so it wasn't a dream, I really did die. My hopes dropped, 

"Do you think I knew this was going to happen, I knew that when feeding her my blood Jeremy would snap her neck right after, no I didn't! So stop trying  to blame me, I've been alive for a very long time, and have been blamed and guilt tripped by my siblings countless times, so it doesn't work on me!" I stepped out from behind the wall, 

"It wouldn't have mattered if Klaus fed me his blood or not." They're heads quickly turned in my direction, Grayson smiled and then looked confused,

"What do you mean, if he didn't then you would be dead...right?"  I shook my head,

"No the break in we had,  turns out it was Jeremy he did  something to the water, so that I had had his blood in my system, so in a way, I'm thankful that Klaus fed me his blood last, I would have hated being turned by the asshole... oh while we're on the topic what happened after I was..." They all gave an evil smile, oh this should be good, Ethan started, 

"You should come downstairs with us, we have a present, Nicole helped out, I think you'll like it." He motioned me to follow him, Grayson, and Klaus. I shrugged and followed, but, what the hell did he mean by Nicole? Was he going insane? Nicole's the enemy and on Jeremy's side. As we got closer to he bottom I heard talking, wait I'm to far away to here anything, then how- ohhhhhh right ok. We reached the bottom and I saw Izzy in a chair, next to a tiny cell, I couldn't see because there was a metal wall. I noticed Grayson, Ethan, and Klaus stopped walking. I looked back with a confused look, they were still smiling, Ethan nodded and motioned for me to continue. I stood next to Izzy and gasped at the sight in front of me, I blinked a few times just to sure I was actually seeing what was in front of me. 

              It was Jeremy, in.... chains, trying to break out. I let out a small laugh, ok quick side note, why did I just laugh? He looked up me, 

"Oh great! Your up! Now let me out so I can kill you again" Izzy laughed this time, 

"At first I was bummed that I would be stuck down here on cage duty, but once he woke up, it was quite entertaining. He's been screaming trying to break out. He even got to the point where he started begging! It's like watching a sad, pathetic dog, but entertaining!" Jeremy glared at her and walked up to the bars,

 "So Crystal, tell me, are you going to complete the transformation because instead of snapping your neck, now, I get rip your heart out" Ok I'll admit it I knew he was tying to get a rise out of me , and, it worked, I reached through the bars and and pulled him as hard as I could into them,

 "Fuck you!" I whisper/yelled at him, Klaus grabbed me and pulled me away, 

"Ok lets go" I followed everyone except Izzy up the stairs,  once we got upstairs, I knew I had to feed off someone to complete the transition, and I did want to complete it, but I didn't want to feed off an innocent person, Klaus spoke up, 

"Oh don't worry you won't have to feed off someone, thanks to our little friend Nicole, before she skipped town, she gave us all an apology and gave us, this" He pulled out a vile of blood, I was happy that I didn't have to feed off anyone but I had to make a point,

 "Ok seriously, now your reading my mind! STOP IT! What if I was thinking about something private or perverted! This is going to be fun because every chance I get I'm going read your mind and STALK YOU! Now give me the god damn vile!" They stared at me a minute and all started laughing,

"Haha funny" I exclaimed sarcastically, I took the vile out of Klaus's hand and drank it, 

"Ok now teach me how to be a hybrid" They all nodded. 

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