20- Fine

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That night they all had a very hard time falling asleep, they tried to get to some sleep, but they wanted sunrise to come so they could get right down to work and spend the whole day preparing. Now you're probably wondering, "If they were having such a hard time sleeping, why didn't they just decide to skip sleeping and get to work now?" And the answer to that is that they decide it would be better to at least try to be well rested the next day so they could spend it completely focused on making more weapons, making sure they had enough, seeing if they could think of anymore friends or connections to help them out, and so on, and so on...

For once they all got up without issue or complaint and got right to work. The hours passed by so easily that the group wasn't even aware of just how long they'd been at it. They took a break here and there for a drink but that was about it, they had a little small talk but even when they did they still made sure that they were still working. They were stocked up on wooden stakes, vervain, wolfsbang, just in case, they also made wooden bullets becuase Jade shared that she was good with guns, so they thought that they could use this. They also laced some of the stakes and bullets with vervain,and added a few vervain bombs. They knew that Jeremy captured the wolves so they could use the poison that is fatal is vampires, so they each got two vials of Klaus's blood, the people who weren't at least half wolf anyway, but they still had to make sure they were careful. If they got hit with enough it could dramatically decrease the time they had to drink the blood. 

Crystal was clearly zoned out as she was sitting, leaning against the wall and sharpening one of the steaks. Grayson looked at the collection he had made and decided he was satisfied. He decided to take a short break and walked over to Crystal. He knelt next to her and grabbed her attention,

"Hey, can we talk?" She was still sharpening the steak but nodded,

"Soo, is everything ok?" Crystal still didn't make eye contact and just nodded, fixated on sharpening the steak, that had been sharpened for a while now. Grayson noticed this and lightly grabbed her wrist holding the knife, causing her to  finally stop, but she still wouldn't make eye contact. "C'mon look at me. You've barely spoken to since that night, and now you won't even look at me. I know what happened New Years Eve is still bothering you, tell me what's going on." 

"No, I'm fine, everything's fine, I'm just still a little wiped out with everything going on, that's all." 

"Ok look me in the eye and tell me you're 'fine'." But Crystal could only glance up at him while repeating it. Grayson aighed, "You're a terrible liar sometimes, ok look even though I was in the basement I heard enough. I know what Jeremy said to you, but that wasn't me. I don't blame you for any of this, you know that... right?"

"Yes I know that. But it's just...I know it wasn't you, but I just can't get it out of my head. It's bothering me so much, and I can't help but think that maybe he has a point. It also doesn't help with these new 'heightened emotions'. It's making everything so much harder to deal with and I thought everything was going smoothly with me turning but it's not, it's terrible. I know I have new abilities and all that, but I-I...." Crystal didn't even realize that her were tearing up until she felt the tears slide down her cheeks. Grayson pulled her into a hug, Crystal tried to continue without sobbing, "I'm not a witch anymore and I miss it so much. I mean, I'll never be able to use magic again." She pulled away, wiped her tears away, and gave a small smile. "I think I just need a little space, at least until Jeremy is gone."  Grayson nodded in understanding. "Thank you." Crystal added. Grayson replied, "No problem" trying to not let his voice reveal how hurt he was. Then he turned around and walked back to his "workspace" and continued working."

 Crystal went back to work too, she was able to zone out again pretty quickly. But she was deep into thought, because she was planning something. Her plan was definitely not a good one, which she knew, but she couldn't help it. Like she said, since her transition her emotions had been heightened, and although she felt immense sadness from many things, there was also another emotion hat she was majorly feeling, but you probably already knew what it is, anger and hate. She hated Jeremy and was angered by the fact that he could always find a way to make her life go from fine and almost perfect to absolute hell. And something that was fueled by this anger and hatred, was revenge. 

She wanted it so bad, and she would get it, she didn't care if it would most likely cost her life. With the way she was thinking, she thought it would probably be better that way. But she would make sure of one thing, that by the end, there would be  no possible way for Jeremy to be alive. 

Hi guys, I'm so, tremendously sorry for how long this took and probably no one even follows this story anymore, but I am hoping to wrap this story up soon. I tried to reach the 1000 words and tried to make it as long as I could but I didn't want to make it so long that it just seemed dragged on, but anyway, I was only able to reach 917 words. I hope that is close enough becuase I didn't want to give any spoilers of the next parts, but I do know what I want some of the big details to be, so now the only struggle with the writing is the little details in between. But uh yea, that's pretty much it, again I'm so sorry, and I don't think it will take this long for me to get the next part out, but fingers crossed just in case. Byeeeee!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2019 ⏰

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