The Encounter

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"Man, it's pretty dark down here." Red Hood said as he stepped out of an elevator and into a large, dark room. "Oz sure does like to keep his secrets. Surprised he hasn't changed the codes..."

As you could guess, Red Hood was at Beacon, specifically in a secret underground section where Ozpin's most kept secret lies.

Red Hood walked closer to the pod where he saw a familiar darker skinned female was inside the pod, seemingly in a catacomb state. Red Hood placed a hand on the window of the pod where he could clearly see her. He looked at the familiar girl in the pod with an unreadable expression due to the mask of course but he was silent for a minute before finally speaking.

"Hard to believe that someone like you would be put in a state like this, huh, Amber? But who am I to say anything, I actually died once." He dryly chuckles. He removes his hand from the pod and leans against it with his shoulder. "Remember when we first met? Cause I sure as hell do..."

-Flashback, About a Year Ago-

"Are you okay?" A soft feminine voice said, she wore a cloaked hood, so her face was covered.

"Yeah, just dandy." Red Hood said, looking slightly injured as he held a hand over the side of his body. Right now, he had just gotten out of a fight with an Ursa and had a trail of blood following him as he goes.

"Doesn't look like it to me."

"Geez, I was just being sarcastic. This is nothing really, just a scratch."

"A scratch? And you're bleeding like that. Look, let me help-"

"No, I'm... fine as it is." He said as he felt the backlashes of the wound. He then started to feel a little dizzy and light headed. "On second thought... maybe not." Were his last words before passing out.

Small Timeskip

"*Groan*" A young man slowly awoke, (H/l) (H/c). (E/c) eyes fluttering open, he sat up and looked around as his vision came back to him, finding himself in an unfamiliar room. 

"Man, feels like I was hit by a bus..." He groaned, rubbing his forehead and a few moments later, he remembered what happened before he passed out. "That's right, got a little careless... wait, my mask...! Where is it!" He quietly shouts, frantically looking around in a little panic. He then slightly relaxed when he saw his mask on top of the table right next to the bed he was on, then he heard the door opening, revealing a darker skinned toned female.

"Oh, you're awake." She said.

"Who are you? Where am I?!" He aggressively started, demanding some answers. 

"Please, calm down, I'm only here to help you." She said as the young man remembered.

"O-Oh, it's you, now I remember... So... who are you and where the hell am I?" 

"My name is Amber, we're in a small cabin I found out here." 

"Well Amber, guess it's nice to meet you, but I really need to get going."

"To where?" She asked.

"None of your business." 

"Oh..." She said with a solemn tone but she gave a small expression of pity.

"What's that look for?" He noticed.

"U-Uh... well, I kind of... looked through your memories... and..." 

"You looked through my memories?" 

"I-It was an accident! I didn't mean it!" 

"*Sigh* I'm not gonna put it against you if it was an accident, just... forget about it. You can leave now, I'm fine, it's wise to stay away from someone like me. We can just forget this ever happened, alright?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2018 ⏰

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