The Death of (Y/n) (L/n)

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A/N: Well... This is my first attempt at a reader insert fanfic/story, so bear with me here. With that in mind, I hope you guys enjoy.



In a dark abandoned warehouse, (Y/n) was kidnapped, in shackles, unable to do anything as he was hit with a crowbar, falling onto the ground.

"Wow, that looked like it really hurt." A voice said. The perpetrator, his kidnapper, the Joker. He gives a maniacally smile, lifting the crowbar and hitting him once again, this time, in a repeated fashion.


"Ah!" (Y/n) let out a pained scream.


(Y/n) coughed out blood, groaning and hissing in pain, unable to do nothing as he took the brutal beating. He could feel the bone crushing blows with every single hit.

"Whoa, now hang on. That looked like it hurt a lot more. So, let's try and clear this up, okay pumpkin?" The Joker smirked. "What hurts more? A?" The Joker said as he hit (Y/n). "Or B?" He said, hitting him once again.

"Forehand? *Bash!* Or backhand? *Bash!*"

(Y/n) breathed like it was his last breath, spitting and coughing up blood, the same with his head which also leaked some blood. He lay in his own pool of blood as the Joker laughed maniacally.


(Y/n) turned his head to meet his gaze and tried to say something but he couldn't in which the Joker got close to him.

"Huh? A little louder lamb chop, I think you may have a collapsed lung. That always impedes the oratory." The Joker said, (Y/n) then spits in his face in which makes the Joker grab him by the hair and bashes his head into the ground.

"Now that was rude." The Joker said as he took out a white handkerchief to clean up the spit of blood on his face. "You should really learn some manners. Has Ozzy every taught you any?"

(Y/n) turns to the Joker and smiles, albeit, he was bleeding and missing some teeth.

"Well, guess I'm just gonna keep beating you with this crowbar. Hahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

-Somewhere Else-

"Okay Oz, we're nearing his location. About a few minutes and we should be there. I just hope to Oum that we're not too late." Qrow said.

"You and me both Qrow. But we must hurry, I can only imagine the things the Joker is doing to him..." Ozpin grimaced.

The two were on a bullhead, on route to (Y/n)'s location after his kidnapping. It put Ozpin in a panic, nearly two days of searching went by and he's finally located his location. Right now, he could only hope that he wasn't too late.

-Back to (Y/n)-

The doors of the small warehouse opens. "Okay kiddo, I gotta go. It's been fun though, right?" The Joker said as he turned around to see the beaten (Y/n) on the floor, unresponsive. "Well, maybe a smidge more fun me than you, I'm just guessing since you're being awfully quiet. Anyway, be a good boy, finish your homework and be in bed by 9:00. And hey! Please tell the wizard I said hello." The Joker finished, laughing maniacally before closing the door and leaving (Y/n) for dead.

-With Ozpin and Qrow-

They had now started running on foot.

"How much farther?" Ozpin asked.

Qrow looked at his scroll. "A few more feet, see that warehouse! That's where!"  Qrow pointed in the direction of where a small warehouse sat on the top of a hill. They ran closer and closer toward the warehouse. But as they reach ever so closely, the building exploded. Ozpin could feel his heart stop for a moment. Rushing toward the wreckage of the explosion as fast as he can, followed by Qrow, he search through the rubble as quickly as he could... and unfortunately, it was too late. There lied the body of (Y/n) (L/n), broken, shattered, burnt, bloodied. It was a horrific sight.

"No... (Y/n)..." Ozpin muttered, kneeling down to his body and carrying it.

" Ozpin muttered, kneeling down to his body and carrying it

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(Y/n) (L/n), was dead.

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