Movement One: Introductions

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My life changed the day our eyes first met--His were amber and almond-shaped, mine were big and grey. I still remember how the sunlight shined on his ivory skin, the gentle breeze tousled his messy auburn hair, and how gracefully he took his steps. Fate had brought us together on this day. It at first sight?


Of course not, silly goose. Why would that happen?

I didn't lie. That sunny April day would indeed change my life. For better or for worse? I still don't know.

My name is Tuppenny. I'm 5'6'', with boring ash blonde hair that I spruced up by coloring it blue at the tips. My name is rather strange; to tell you the truth, my parents named me after a guinea pig, and a fictional one, at that. On that morning I was reading Beatrix Potter's 'The Fairy Caravan'. Interestingly enough, it's all about my namesake. I was about halfway through when a voice like molten gold gently interrupted me.

"Um...excuse me?"

I looked up at none other than him, of course. Even though he stood about a yard away, he still loomed over me, me being on the ground under a tree and him being over six feet tall. He wore skinny jeans, a black dress shirt, and a grin that was so polite yet confused that it somehow seemed too smooth. Rehearsed, almost. Still, he looked so goofy, yet refined, that I had to smile back.

"Yes?" I replied, popping up. "I'm Tuppenny Finnegan. You must be new; it's nice to meet you."

He smiled again, briefly. "Tuppenny? Nice to meet you. Kendrick LaBelle." Kendrick shifted his weight, pausing for a brief moment. "Like you said, I'm new. They gave me this map,"--he gestured vaguely at a piece of paper I just realized he was holding--"but I have no idea how I'm supposed to read this. Would you mind showing me around?"

I raised my eyebrows slightly, before smoothing my face out again. That was very peculiar. Evidently, the purpose of our prior conversation was to forge some sort of familiarity with me, a complete stranger. Moreover, adolescent males usually aren't terribly fond of asking for help, especially those of the introverted sort this one was making himself out to be. I wasn't necessarily apt to go into that sort of thing, but I also wasn't one to withhold help, so I just grinned up at him again and said "Sure! What's your first class?"

It just so happened that his first class was Social Studies with Mrs. Kingston, and so was mine. Since Mrs. Kingston taught both ninth and tenth grade classes, I already knew her, and (admittedly) made a bit of a show over introducing Kendrick and acting like he was already my friend. This was one of the only classes that still had assigned seats, so we ended up at the opposite sides of the room and didn't interact for the rest of the period--or for any of the periods, really, considering we didn't have any other classes together. It still sort of bugged me, though. The way he just popped  up and  decided we were friends, I mean. Either he was really outgoing, or really creepy. I couldn't be sure.

After school, about four blocks from home  I caught up with LaBelle. He seemed rather happy; kicking rocks down the pavement as he walked. So, I jogged a bit to catch up, heavily-laden backpack jolting against my back, and launched into a conversation about the day. From what he told me, he had a pretty good time  and had even made some friends. Eventually, our conversation lulled, and I decided to ask him what had been on my mind.


"Yes, Tuppenny."

"This morning, what made you decide to talk to me? I mean, it's not like I minded or anything," I hastened to explain that part. "But why me?"

Kendrick looked down on me with one of his ivory smiles.

"Some people just have a special something, you know. That Special Something is usually called  a sixth sense. And do you know what, Blondie? I sense  that something very, very interesting may come  out of knowing  you."

He stopped walking alongside me, turning into the nearest driveway.

"Here's my place, I suppose. G'bye, Tuppenny."

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