Am I writing too much?.
Or is it just I'm in deep depression.
Am I okay?.
Am I fine?.
Do I even exist?.
Just going through some problem shit.
They just react when it's too late.
Well fuck you.
Ya'll reacted late.
I'm so fucking disappointed.
Too sensitive for you?.
Go away.
Leave me.
I'm always like this.
Fuck off if you don't wanna have a friend who suffers depression.
No one would even survive that shit.
Taking care of someone depressed.
They'll get tired of that.
Well I'm gonna get lonely
How nice.
The world reacts to me like that.
I'm rEjEctEd.
Everyone's better.
I'm worse.
Please stop my tears.
I'm begging you.
Save me.November 26, 2017