a girls world turned upside down

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Chapter 1 The Beginning

It's 6:30 and my alarm goes off. First day new school, new grade, new year this is just fantastic. I get out of bed and leisurely made my way down stairs to the kitchen. As usual my mom made eggs and bacon. After I eat I go back up to my room and start getting ready for school. I brush my hair put it in ponytail and brush teeth. I finally put on my favorite OSU shirt softball pants orange long socks and cleats. I grab my school bag softball bag and keys. I start heading to the field. I get there and right when I get there I'm greeted by a shy but open girl. Hi I'm kyoko she says with a shy smile. You must be the new girl that coach was telling us about. Um yes I'm marina i just moved here from Washington, Oklahoma. Oh well i can already tell were going to be great friends says Kyoko. All practice Kyoko and I were partners considering I didn't no anyone else i was kind of happy. I was also happy because we have the same class schedule thank god I'll have at least one friend in my classes.

We get back to school and get changed. We to our next class which was reading. We walk in and everyone gasps and one really cute gyuy yells we have a girl . Kyoko yells oh shut up Zayn she my friend not yours get over it ain't that right Marina. Kyoko walks over and sits next to 4 guys. One was her boyfriend Niall Horan. As she introduces me i realize Zayn is the one who yelled we have a new girl. Then there is louis tomlinson, Harry Styles, and Liam Payne. They were all really cute but only one really stuck out to me which of course was Zayn. He was so cute i just keep my eyes off of him. he reminded me of a kid at my old school. i sat at the open seat by liam he was nice but quite. Mrs.Piper gave us 2 sheets. One was a syllabus and the other was an informational sheet that we needed to fill out. we filled out the sheet then Mrs.Piper went over all class room rules. Finally the bell rang i thought never would. Now off to third hour which was science i told Kyoko save me a seat I'll be there in a mintue. I got to Mr.McCnielly's classroom. I see Kyoko sitting next to Louis, Zayn, and Angel ( louis girlfriend ). I see a seat next to Zayn I go and sit down. Mr. McCneilly was really nice. We didnt do much so I ended up just talking to Louis Angel and Zayn getting to know them. So after the bell rang we headed up to the lunchroom Zayn asked me if i wanted to hangout after shcool. I said sure why.


After schools i got home and change. After i get ready i text Zayn and he come and gets me. When i wgot into the car he told me we were to meet up with Niall, Kyoko, Angel, and Louis at the movie theater. I hope you don't mind i just thought it be a good idea to take you to the movies for a first date. I was a little surpised by what he said but i didnt say anything. After watching the conjuring we went to Interurban. Me and Zayn shared the couples steak special even thought we aren't a couple. I wish we were though. It was late and Zayn didnt want to bother my parents. He said i could stay with him. His parents were out of town and i could just wear some of his sisters clotes we were about the same size. We got to his house. While Zayn was in the shower I started looking for his sisters room and found myself snooping through his kitchen cabinets. I dont know how i was hungery i had just ate my weight in steak.

Well after m food fit ended i found his sisters room. I picked out an adorable pink and blue out fit i guess i wanted to dress to impress everyone or maybe just my Zayn. Either way in going to look so cute. After Zayn got out of the shower i took one myself. When i got out i through on one of Zayns tshirts it was big on me but im going to sleep who is going to see me. Around 10:30 we went to bed i slept on in Zalyns room. Zalyns was Zayns sister. When i wook up I smelt the most mouthwatering food. I got up and ran downstairs to see what it was. When i got down there i found Zayn standing over stove cooking pancakes. Blueberry my favorite how did you know I asked zayn in flirtasious voice. Blueberry is my favorite too I was hoping you would be okay with it Zayn answered with a big smile. So how did you sleep Zayn asks, quite well actually I say back to him. Well good you eat while i go gather all of your stuff Zayn says as he is walking way. I eat then go get ready for softball. i pack Kathrines outift into a bag and hop into Zayns car he drops me off at softball and walks across the street to track. When i walk into the dugout all the girls look at me and say stuff like so how did you and your lovers night go. I got so embrassed but it was funny. Girls calm down we have a lot of work to do today says coach matthis in a sturn voice.Oh no here we go. We went through warm up did a couple drill gpt uniforms then left i rode with Zayn back to school.

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